12 Dec

A baby boy was born one day, in a stable far away!

Oak Class learnt all about the Christmas nativity today. First of all, we enjoyed reading the story together on the carpet, taking it in turns to find the characters in our story to match our figures.
We were able to answer questions during different parts of the story; 
When Mary was told by…

12 Dec

7R meet Mean Jean!

Yesterday we had another session at the Superflex Training Academy. Miss Della-Fera introduced us to Mean Jean, an unthinkable character. We talked about how Mean Jean can enter our thinking brain and persuade us to make bad choices like using unkind words or unkind actions. We talked about how…

12 Dec

Willow Class Christmas Dinner Celebrations!

Thursday 12th December was Christmas Dinner day for Willow class!

We sat beautifully in the hall with Rowan Class and the rest of the Primary classes and loved being served by the staff while we sat and listened to Christmas songs! A well deserved treat for all the children’s hard work this…

10 Dec

8G's Christmas Crafts

This week 8G have started to make lots of Christmas crafts ready to send home for the holidays.

Yesterday we ripped up lots of pieces of tissue paper and laid it out onto a laminating pouch. We then sprinkled some glitter on it and Miss Aindow took them to magically turn them into colourful…

9 Dec

8R Top Table and Sharing Our Learning

Today our class won top table. Mr Welsh waited on us hand and foot and was a great waiter. This afternoon we had our Sharing Our Learning session. We had a carousel of Christmas craft activities. We made a wreath, a tree decoration and a salt dough tree or snowman Everybody enjoyed the session…

5 Dec

8G Visit The Astley for End of Term Meal

On Wednesday, 8G and 8R visited The Astley in Astley Village for a celebratory end of term meal together.

The food was delicious and everyone enjoyed spending time with each other outside of school.

We can't believe how quickly this first term has flown!

Mrs Fisher, Miss Heaton, Mrs…

5 Dec

More Christmas Activities For 11R

Yesterday pupils painted plant pots and decorated them in Christmas themes. We took these pots with us today when we went to Chorley In Bloom and filled them with Holly, ivy and Berries. we decorated them to our own personal style.


After completing our pots we had a well deserved flask of…

5 Dec

8R Christmas Lunch at The Astley

Today we arrived in school and Frederick the Elf had left us a note. He had eaten some of our chocolates and tried to steal our advent calendar. We promised not to touch him or he has threatened to eat all our chocolate.

We then travelled to The Astley on the new school minibus, where the staff…