7R learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week 2020!
This week, 7R have been learning about Sikhism. We started by learning about the 5Ks. We watched videos and interacted with props before making our own Kangha or designing a Kirpan. We talked about what the 5Ks represented for Sikhs. We then learnt all about the Gudwara. We learnt about the…

Learning about Hinduism
This week has been World Religion Week in school and 10R have been learning all about Hinduism. We have learnt about Hindu Temples and the god Brahman and how worship takes place amongst Hindus. We have also looked at the creative side within the Hindu faith. This has seen 10R create their very…
Maple Class Celebrate World Religion Week
Wow what a busy week we have had in Maple Class!
This week we have been learning all about Judiasm with Miss Curry and Mr Darbyshire. Miss Curry led a sensory story on the creation story and we all started to be able to retell it using sensory props and signs. We have also explored different…
10G World Religion Week - January 2020
What a fantastic week 10G have had, exploring Hinduism. We have dressed in traditional clothing, visited a place of worship, meditated with Yoga, enjoyed creating music with instruments and our voices, made Diwali lamps and also Rangoli patterns. This afternoon we finished off making traditional…

Chestnut learn about Islam
Chestnut Class have learnt all about Islam this week. We have watched Attention Autism sessions learning that they go to Mosque. We made window colour catchers that were shaped in the crescent and star.
Thursday afternoon we explored lots of different themed activities, colouring pictures,…
Beech - World Religion Week Islam 2020
Beech class have enjoyed exploring Islam this week with a range of different fun activities we started with Attention Autism where we explored the star and crescent moon of Islam with flour we then had star and crescent moon painting, role play using dressing up and we even got to look at the…

11R begin to look at the meaning of Prayer Flags and the 4 Nobel Truths
Today year 11 learnt that each colour of the Buddhism Prayer flags are to support Buddhist in living a better life, a life without anger, jealousy, ignorance, delusion and pride. We then made our own flags.
This afternoon we looked at the four sights that the Buddha saw which lead him to…

11R Make Prayer Beads
Our Buddhism artefact table is becoming increasingly busy now.
Pupils took part in a hide and seek information activity learning different information teaching them the significance of prayer beads within the Buddhist faith.
We then used our maths skills to count the correct…
8R Harvest Festival
Today 8R have been learning about Harvest Festival during World Religion Week. Mrs Clarke hid lots of food around the class and we had to find it and build our own Harvest Basket. Some of us got to taste different foods and say what we thought of them. Some of us worked on our fine motor skills…

Introducing Brain Eater!
During this weeks Superflex session we met “Brain Eater”, the unthinkable character that eats our thinking brains when we use technology or distract or are distracted by others. We talked about the impact of using technology at bed time, and how if we are up late watching TV or playing on our…

7G Learn about a Gurdwara!
For World Religion Week 7G are learning about Sikhism!
We started our learning about the religion by looking at their place of Worship called a Gurdwara. We watched a short video clip of a little girl showing us what happens there.
There was some good remembering from the video: Harry…
Hindu Temple visit January 2020
This week for World Religion week 10G are studying Hinduism. Today we enjoyed a very interesting and informative morning at a visit to the Gujurat Hindu Society and Temple in Preston.
The students were shown around the Temple so that they were able to look at all the different Gods and…