23 Jun

8A Rainbow Week and Sports Week.

Apologies for the missing Blog last week. 8A had such a busy week that it completely slipped by without us posting so this week we are covering both weeks. 
We hope you enjoy our Rainbow Flag design incorporating the AP logo. We enjoyed the parade around school looking at everybody’s designs. We…

23 Jun

Astley Park School Sports Week 2023

Astley Park pupils have had a fantastic time during Sports Week! 


We have participated in the following activities: 

Monday - Multisports 

Tuesday - Multisports/Fundamental Movement Skills/Football 

Wednesday - Multisports/Fundamental Movement Skills/Rugby 

Thursday -…

23 Jun

10G Sports Week Summer Term

10G have had such a fantastic Sports Week in school this week, despite the sporadic weather changes! This has fit in nicely with our Healthy Living theme and it has helped give us some new ideas of exercise that we would like to try.

On Monday morning, we all took part in some Multisports…

23 Jun

Summer Term 2 Week 3 in 10R!

This week in 10R we've had lots to do! On Monday we had our morning maths lesson and in the afternoon we had our first session of sports week when we played some relay games and activities. 

On Tuesday we continued with our ASDAN and our Preparation for Work Unit and in the afternoon we went on…

23 Jun

8P get sporty!

It has been Sports week at Astley Park School and what a busy week it’s been!

On Monday 8P took part in fundamental movement skills this included tig, dodge ball, trying to hit the cones with the golf ball using a golf club. We were all put into separate teams and showed fabulous kindness in…

23 Jun

Beech class sports week

In honour of sports week, Beech class have had a super active week!

We have enjoyed getting busy with all the activities around school. In the hall, we explored the balance bikes, didicars, space hoppers and parachute. On Thursday, we had so much fun bouncing around on the inflatables outside.…

23 Jun

PROM 2023


What a day! 

Pupils had an amazing day yesterday, celebrating their end of an era. Everyone looked amazing and very grown up. 

We started the day with some nibbles and photos from the professional photographer, we then showed off our glam and glitz with a parade around the track…

23 Jun

Sports Week in Rowan Class 2023

Rowan Class have had a great time during Sports Week.

We have enjoyed lots of lovely activities: yoga, dancing, ball skills, football, inflatable assault course and parachute games.

We all tried our best and had lots of fun!

Well done everyone!

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class…

23 Jun

Sports Week in Maple Class

Maple Class love being active and have had a fantastic time taking part in events for Sports Week! 

This week we have enjoyed sports themed Attention Autism revealing different sports apparatus and learning key vocabulary.

In the outdoor area we have been working on our throwing skills…

21 Jun

Citizen Advice Bureau visit 11R .2023

We were very lucky to have Neil visit us today from Citizens Advice Bureau. As a class we have been looking at who we could go to for help and advice once we leave school. C.A.B is a free service that anyone can go to for help. We even found out that they will help you fill in forms. For example ,…

21 Jun

Summer Fair Saturday 17th June 2023

On Saturday 17th June 2023 we hosted our annual summer fair!

We are proud to say we raised over £2752! And we still have a final few amounts coming through! This was the most we have ever raised at an event! Thank you so much to all the families and staff who attended and helped us achieve this…

21 Jun

7A birthday 20/6/23

Happy birthday to Oliver who turned 12 this week. 

We hope you had a wonderful birthday and we enjoyed celebrating with you in class.