30 Jun

9A Handball

9A completed their unit on Handball this week! 

This unit has included them learning handball skills, including: 

- defending e.g. making themself bigger so the attacker can’t get past 

(also learning how to protect the ball and the goal) 

- attacking e.g. how to shoot 


30 Jun

7A birthday

Happy birthday to our very own Izz who celebrated her 12th birthday yesterday.

This coincided with our class trip to Legoland and we all had a fabulous time. 

30 Jun

Splish Splash, 10G were having a laugh (at Happy Mount Park)

On Wednesday, 10G boarded the school minibus and Mrs Cobham drove us all the way up the M6 to Happy Mount Park in Morecambe. The weather was grey and miserable, but that didn't stop us from having lots of fun. The man from the council was waiting patiently for us at the gate for the splash park…

30 Jun

Great work in 8P.

8P have had another fantastic week!

In our music lesson this week we have been learning about musical notes. We learnt all about crochets and quavers ( not the cheesy crisps) 

We watched a video called ‘Music with Meg’. She talked about beats and showed us what they looked like and clapped…

30 Jun

7A Legoland 29/6/23

7A enjoyed a wonderful experience at Legoland in Manchester yesterday. Lots of fun was had and the pupils enjoyed playing with a fantastic assortment of Lego pieces, visiting the Lego interactive 3D cinema, riding on a Lego train trying to find the baddies hiding around the track and trying out a…

30 Jun

Zoo animals in Beech Class

In Beech class this week we have been learning about zoo animals!

Mrs Barrand began by reading the “Dear Zoo” story and acting out all the animals. In our tuff trays we have made black and white striped zebra slime, pretended to be monkeys using masks, explored a cereal giraffe, and matched…

30 Jun

10R Go to Blackpool!


Yesterday 10R had their end of term trip to Blackpool! When we arrived there, we headed down onto the beach and had some fun drawing in the sand with sticks and we went down to the water, trying to keep our feet dry while we did! We then walked along the beach and made our way up to the…

29 Jun

Class Catch up - 3 Little Pigs and Sports Week in Chestnut

Good afternoon Chestnut followers,

It has been another busy 2 weeks in Chestnut Class. Last week was sports week and this gave the Chestnut pupils the opportunity to practice different fine motor skills activities, inflatable & bouncy castle challenges, made healthy snacks using fruit and tried…

28 Jun

Willow Class - Quadkids

This afternoon, Willow were very lucky to avoid the rain! We headed to Westway Sports Hub, to represent Astley Park School at the Quadkids event. Willow class completed various activities and challenges and made Astley Park proud. 

Well Done Willow Class! 

28 Jun

11R Chorley in Bloom Comes to an End

Wow, we have come to the end of our time volunteering with Chorley in Bloom.


We have had a blast! 

Today we were spoilt, we had samples of what we had grown; cake and drinks.

we would like to thank the Chorley in Bloom team for everything they have done for us over the past 6…

26 Jun

9A Sports Week

As well as participating in the arranged Sports Week activities this week, 9A have also had in-class lessons focused on particular sports this week. 


This has included: 

Monday - focused on different sports 

Tuesday - Went swimming and then played football in the…

23 Jun

7P Sports Week 2023

7P had a fab sports week. We took part in multi sports, tag rugby, an inflatable session and yoga! 

7P all tried really hard with each activity and should be very proud of themselves!