Week 2 in Maple Class!
This week we have had so much fun taking part in different activities.
On Monday we had P.E in the hall. We explored the different equipment climbing, sliding, and riding on the scooters, didi cars and the scooter boards.
In the afternoon we used paint and cars to mark make and make tracks…

All things bears in Beech
This week Beech class have been exploring all things bears!
We have looked at lots of different types of bears; polar bears, koala bears, panda bears, and of course teddy bears!
For our Attention Autism sessions this week, everyone has done “good sitting” to watch Mrs Barrand create bear…

Week 2 in Chestnut Class
What a wonderful and busy week we’ve had in Chestnut Class!
As part of our topic, ‘In the Toy Box’ we have been exploring teddy bears through Attention Autism Stage 2 reveals, creative tasks - we created our own bear faces and during Food Tech we have been followed instructions and expressed…
10A Play Hockey
In this weeks P.E lesson, 10A learnt how to play hockey. To start, they played a warm up game. Mrs Tolan then showed the pupils the correct way to hold the hockey stick and how to pass the ball. The pupils practiced pushing the ball with the stick. They then passed the ball to their partner, using…

Willow first week back
Welcome back to pupils and staff in Willow class.
We have all had a fantastic week getting to know new friends and renewing old friendships through lots of fun activities.
It has been very busy but by Friday we were all settling into our new routines and we are looking forward to all the…

7P 2023!
What a great week we have had on our first week in the new 7P!
There has been lots of change for the children including a new room, new friends and new routines. Everyone has coped well and are starting to get into the swing of things.
This week we have shared our holiday news, learnt…

Welcome 7A
Wow, what a fantastic first week we have had in 7A. We have spent lots of time this week getting to know each other and making lots of new friends.
On Monday we looked at photos from the summer holidays and shared with the class what we had been up to. On Wednesday morning we had a go at…

What a fantastic first week in Maple Class!
We’ve all had so much fun in Maple Class this week.
We’ve enjoyed exploring our new classroom and getting to know our new friends and teachers.
We’ve all taken part in playdough gym and What’s in the bucket with Mrs Gregory.
We learnt about different emotions and found our friends in the…

8P first week
8P had a fantastic first week with their new class staff!
We enjoyed a range of activities, including:
- playing with the toys
- joining in with a carousel of activities in every lesson
- Attention Autism (what’s in the box) sessions
- learning about their new staff

Welcome back to 11G!
We have loved having everyone back in school with us this week. It has been extra special as this will be the last ever first week back at Astley Park School for all our 11G learners! We are all so excited for the year ahead. Apologies for the lack of photographs, we are still getting back into…

10A start the year thinking about their healthy lifestyle choices!
Welcome to 10A!
As part of ASDAN we are learning about healthy lifestyles, so today we did some activities about this. We split the class in two and one group went to the food tech room and made frozen fruit kebabs. This involved the pupils identifying different fruit and then cutting them…

8A is back in business
Welcome back to the new 8A 2023/24. I hope you are all looking forward to a new school year. It was lovely seeing all the children returning with smiles on their faces.
Our first week has been a nice chilled one, easing the learners (and staff) gently back into a school routine.