13 Nov

11G weekly blog 13/11/20

What a fantastic week it has been in 11G...as well as maths, comprehension, reading and literacy throughout the week we have also watched News round every day and discussed the daily issues. This has been a great way to encourage communication as well as turn taking and listening to the views of…

7 Nov

11G weekly blog 6/11/20

Hi everyone, another weekly blog and update from staff and pupils of 11G. 

We’ve all had lots of fun this week, the climbing frame has been used as have the bikes and we have done lots of walking around the track and playing outside with the balls. 

We have also worked hard inside too,…

23 Oct

11G Halloween week of fun 23/10/20

What a fabulous week this has been for the pupils and staff in 11G. 

We have done lots of learning, practised our numbers and literacy skills as well as spending time outside on the bikes and enjoying science experiments. 

We have worked hard in Literacy and English, some pupils have…

17 Oct

11G classroom fun 17/10/20

11G have enjoyed another busy week in class, full of fun learning activities. 

To fall in with our Halloween theme we have been watching the first two Harry Potter films and then discussing and describing the different characters and settings whilst learning to use  lots of fantastic…

9 Oct

Busy week in 11G 9/10/20

Another fantastic week has gone by  in 11G and everyone has had so much fun learning alongside friends. 

Lots of art work has been done in class...looking at Autumn and also Halloween...the pupils have created some wonderful pictures using paints,  straws and Q tips. They learnt how to make a…

5 Oct

Our Amazing Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank-you to everyone who joined in with our virtual Macmillan Coffee Morning, it was a great success and everyone had a fantastic time. All classes took park and completed some brilliant activities within class, including holding a Teams meeting with parents and carers so they could join in from…

2 Oct

11G Classroom activities 2/10/20

Well, it’s been another busy and fun week in 11G doing lots of wonderful activities and learning about so many different things. 

During our ICT lesson some of the pupils started to learn how to play the battleships game with Mr Murphy while another group practised logging on and searching…

25 Sep

11G’s week in school 25/9/20

Another brilliant week for both bubbles in 11G this past week , doing and learning  lots of fun things. 

Both of the bubbles had fantastic fun trying out the brand new climbing frame, it was very exciting and they spent ages clambering all over it and trying out all of the different ways to…

19 Sep

11G having fun in class 19/9/20

Well done to 11G...both of our bubbles have done some fantastic work this last week and had loads of fun as well.

We have been on nature walks around the school field and found lots of leaves, flowers, bushes etc that are beginning to turn from into gorgeous autumnal colours of reds, yellow and…

8 Sep

Welcome back 11G Bubble A 8/9/20

Wow, it has been really wonderful to see you all back in class again. On Monday morning you came in with smiles on your faces and you continued to smile all day yesterday and today., you have made us very happy. 

We are so very proud of you all and we have really enjoyed our first two days back…

5 Sep

Welcome Back 11G - Bubble B group


 Welcome back to 11G bubble B

What an amazing few days we have had! I am so incredibly proud of how grown-up you have all been. I know that there was a couple of worried faces on Thursday morning but we were so pleased that, by the end of Thursday afternoon, everyone went home with a…

4 Sep

Welcome to 11G ( September 2020)

Hello!!! Welcome back to school everyone and to what has started as a very different year 11.

At the moment, some things will be different in school but advice is changing all the time, so we will make sure that you are kept up to speed with any further changes to class routines. Needless to…