8 Mar

11G Week 8 Spring Term- Careers Week and World Book Day

This week it has been Career’s Week AND World Book Day, so we have been very busy!

On Monday morning, it was time for our Entry Level Functional Maths exams for some of our learners. The remainder of 11G and 11R pupils congregated together in 11G’s classroom for some speaking and listening…

8 Mar

Name The Sloth with 11G

11G were given a sloth to use to raise funds for prom. Together they came up with a list of names which Donna in the office kindly made into a sheet. At the Valentines disco Lily and Mrs Cobham sold names for 50p.

Today the name was revealed and he is called Jackson - the winner is Maisie who…

8 Mar


Last week a number of pupils from Year 11 took part in a Bikeability Level 1&2 assessment. After initially being assessed in school the pupils then went out on the road for a further assessment of their riding skills. The weather was against them but they remained positive throughout and after…

1 Mar

11G Week 7 Spring Term

It has been another great week in 11G this week and we are all thrilled to have Miss Greenwood back in class with us!


On Monday morning we continued our Maths work on shape ready for our Personal Progress portfolios whilst those working towards their entry level exams worked on some…

24 Feb

11G Week 6 Spring term

We hope that everyone had a nice half term. It has been lovely to see everyone this week!

On Monday morning we worked in pairs to create some thank you cards to give to the supermarkets Asda, Booths, Morrisons and Tesco for very generously donating prizes for our Valentine’s Disco before half…

6 Feb

Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!

Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!

I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!


The wheel has been spun and the…

3 Feb

11G Spring Week 4

Hello everyone, you join us at the end of another action packed week in 11G. 

On Monday we were off to the gym as usual. This week, instead of working against our partner, we had to work with them to complete our team challenge. Each pair had to travel 2km on each piece of cardio equipment,…

3 Feb

Key Stage 3 and 4 at CSSP Panathalon

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Fisher, Mrs Banks and Miss Wilkins headed off to All Seasons Leisure 
Centre accompanied by 9 pupils from 11G, 10A and 9P to take part in Chorley Sport Partnership’s 
Panathalon. They were joined by 5 other SEND settings from the local area and took part in 8 

31 Jan

What qualities do 11G learners look for in staff

On Tuesday with Mrs Cobham we were discussing qualities so we talked about why we like staff members and we all agreed that we like staff who are caring,  Friendly and shows us respect. We like staff who are calm and cheer people up. Staff who get to know us as individuals are important because…

26 Jan

11G Spring Week 3

What a wet and windy week it has been in school this week. We have made it to the end in one piece.

On Monday morning it was our weekly visit to the gym at All Seasons Leisure Centre. This week we were continuing our work in pairs but adding a challenge element. Everyone was asked to spend 8…

26 Jan

Setting ourselves goals in 11G

In class we talked about New Years Resolutions. Mr Crofts said that he sets goals and finds it hard to stick to them. Mrs Cobham said she starts the new year with good intentions but then forgets about it.

As a class we discussed what sort of activities we could do that could be achievable and…

19 Jan

11G Learn all about Hinduism

This week 11G have learned about the religion Hinduism.

On Tuesday we did some cooking with Mrs Fisher and Mr Crofts. We made samosas using filo pastry and the filling inside consisted of potatoes, onions, peas with cayenne pepper and cumin to season. We all tried them and most of us liked…