5 Nov

A Crackling Time in Sycamore!

On Thursday, Sycamore had fun in class celebrating bonfire night with crafts and exploring some popular traditions. 


First we collected sticks on a regulation walk, exploring outside, that we used later in the afternoon to help Miss Cross build our own ‘fire’. 


We explored…

5 Nov

Chestnut Class “Bonfire Week”

We’ve all had a great start to the term and settled right back into Chestnut Class. This week is themed around ‘Autunm and Bonfire Night’. Chestnut class have worked so hard this week developing their number skills by singing number songs, exploring and counting the autumn leaves, conkers and pine…

5 Nov

7A Week 9 Autumn Term

It has been another busy start to the week in 7A this week and everything has been themed around the celebration of the week- Bonfire Night.


On Monday we met Mr Stokes who is going to be working with us in 7A for the rest of the school year. We are all looking forward to getting to know…

27 Oct

7A Last week before half term

Well what a busy end to this half term it was this week! It was Mrs Fisher's first week back in school and she was really pleased to see everyone again.


On Monday morning in My Thinking and Problem Solving, Mrs Fisher showed us how to use a new app on our iPads- Scratch Jr. While you are…

25 Oct

Sycamore’s Spook-tacular Week!

Sycamore’s Spook-tacular Week!

Sycamore class have had great fun within our Halloween theme, this week. 


They have been very busy:

  • Working together to count out ingredients to add to the magic potions.
  • Using words and gestures to request shapes to create faces on…
25 Oct

11R Say Goodbye to the Legend that is Mr Buckley

11R said a very fond farewell to the legend that is Mr Buckley.

We partied, shared memories and there were some tears.

11R wish you good luck in your new exciting role and know that you will continue to make a difference to young peoples lives. 

24 Oct

10R Have fang-tastic fun!

Well the last day of half-term has come around ‘scarily’ quickly in 10R, and we decided to end with a day of Halloween fun activities. Preparations began last week in our English lesson, learning about the important information we need to include when writing invitations, then pupils made their…

23 Oct

11G Halloween week of fun 23/10/20

What a fabulous week this has been for the pupils and staff in 11G. 

We have done lots of learning, practised our numbers and literacy skills as well as spending time outside on the bikes and enjoying science experiments. 

We have worked hard in Literacy and English, some pupils have…

23 Oct

9G do some Ghost Busting!

We have had the most brilliant week in 9G! 

Everyone has worked so hard and tired activities they wouldn’t normally do, embracing the Halloween spirit! 

We have collected eyeballs from pumpkins full of jelly, made witches spells in the kitchen, palates lots of group games and even…

23 Oct

7A celebrate Halloween

This term our theme is Celebrations. We have really enjoyed celebrating Halloween this week. We completed a Blue-Bot challenge to make potions, completed a Halloween workout, played Halloween games, wrote about Halloween on Purple Mash, had fun in the photo booth and enjoyed Halloween treats. We…

23 Oct

Spooktastic Fun in Oak Class!

This week Oak have been having lots of spooky fun for Halloween week. 
Miss Curry read the five little pumpkins as a sensory story this week and we’ve done lot’s of nice activities.
* We made pumpkin plate faces and painted apples to make pumpkins on card.
* Made Witch faces by cutting out…

23 Oct

Spooktacular day in Beech class!

Today Beech class have loved exploring the Halloween sensory trays and scooping out the pumpkin in an attention autism session. We did Mrs Fishers Halloween playdoh gym, there was some super squashing and squeezing. Everyone's costumes were amazing! We joined in the school parade and showed them…