13 Nov

10G’s fun filled week!

10G have a busy and fun filled week this week. We have enjoyed writing a letter to Miss Bamber and Mrs Lilley inviting them to video call with us so that we can ask them lots of questions all about being a new parent. We also enjoys learning all about Remembrance Day. We read a story all about why…

13 Nov

Another busy week in Rowan class!

On Monday morning we have been working hard on our reading skills with Miss Aindow. Later in the morning we have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods. We had to use pictures of different foods to make a healthy lunch box. We cut out the different pictures and stuck them down. It was…

13 Nov

8R Remembrance Week.

This week 8R having been learning all about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We made our own acrostic poems about this subject and discovered that we have some budding poets in our class. We made some lovely poppies wreaths along with some great silhouette soldier paintings. On Wednesday we…

13 Nov

9R Autumn 2 Week 2

9R have had a very busy week. Creating sensory planets and drawing aliens, as we continue to explore space. We have been working on our spellings and comprehension skills. We have been looking at the weather on other planets and have been working hard on our multiplication skills. We discussed…

13 Nov

9G Children in Need and Remembrance

We have had a busy week of celebrating different events this week in 9G. 

The week started looking at what Remembrance is, why we wear poppies and how we remember. Miss Hendy did an attention autism, where we watched her create some crosses using black sand, and then we took turns to…

13 Nov

Chestnut get busy celebrating

We have all been so busy this week celebrating in chestnut class with Remembrance Day and “children in need”. We have been very creative making poppy pictures using sponges and paint, they all looked fantastic. Chestnut class have all been amazing making our very own Pudsey's with glue…

12 Nov

7A Diwali Fireworks Performance!

This week as part of our Celebrations topic we have been learning about Diwali. We learnt that Hindus celebrate with lamps, prayers, gifts and fireworks on the third day of Diwali. We applied our learning about dancing with props last week to create a partner dance to show a fireworks display.…

12 Nov

10R clean up

Today we have been making toast and cleaning up the room. This has been good fun leaving the pupils to do all the work. 

following on from this activity we created step by step guides of how to use a toaster and a hoover safely.


The team did well! 

Let’s see if they show this…

12 Nov

7A Week 10 Autumn Term

Another busy busy start to the week in 7A this week! The next celebration that we are focusing on is the Hindu festival of Diwali. To begin our learning about this we read the story of Rama and Sita during our My Communication lesson on Monday morning. Josh and Jake were already familiar with the…

12 Nov

7A Remember

7A Remember


At 11:00am yesterday morning, 7A stopped their work to have a minute silence in remembrance of the soldiers who lost their lives for us. Out of respect, Connor chose to stand up throughout.


In the afternoon in our World About Me lesson, we started by discussing…

11 Nov

Maple Class Remember

For Remembrance Day, Maple Class watched a short animated film about the Poppy and talked about the flower. We looked at pictures of the Queen laying a wreath, before making our own, which we all stuck a poppy to. We listened carefully to The Last Post whilst, 'poppy petals' fell on…

11 Nov

Sycamore Remember..

Sycamore have enjoyed a day of activities themed around ‘Remembrance Day’. 


This morning we enjoyed a circle time and we shared our ideas and what we remember about Remembrance Day. We then had our 2 minutes silence to remember all the soldiers who have fought in wars to help keep us…