20 Oct

7A visit Pumpkin Patch Farm

What a great day 7A have had!!!

We visited Pumpkin Patch Farm in Scarisbrick. We were met by James who showed us where everything was then off we went.

We walked up and down the field in our wellies looking at all the different shapes, sizes and colours of pumpkins. There were orange, green,…

20 Oct

9A - Autumn 1, Week 7

 This week in 9A we have linked a lot of our learning to Halloween! 

During our My Communication lessons this week, we’ve learnt about how to identify nouns - people, places, things and animals. We’ve mainly focused on words linked to Halloween and identifying nouns in passages about…

20 Oct

11G get spooky

Today in 11G we have been getting ready for the Halloween Disco. Everyone in class has embraced the spookiness.

We have been pumpkin carving and some of us absolutely loved getting messy, slimy hands inside the pumpkin. Yuk!

We have had so much fun dressing up in spooky, scary Halloween…

20 Oct

Blackpool Illuminations 2022!

This week some learners from Year 7 and 8 got the opportunity to go on an evening visit to go and see the Blackpool Illuminations as well as a chippy tea. This was an extra special trip as it was the first one in a couple of years. 

Everyone had a really good time, showed our school values and…

20 Oct

Rowan Class Show Racism the Red Card!

Rowan Class have joined in with lots of activities today to Show Racism the Red Card.

We looked at how we are all different, explored different dressing up clothes and used playdough to explore different faces.

We looked at ourselves in the mirror, seeing what colour our hair and eyes are,…

20 Oct

Autumn in Rowan Class

Rowan Class enjoyed their final week of this half term by continuing to explore Autumn. 

We made some lovely cupcakes in cooking, used some great describing words to describe leaves, and did some leaf rubbing. We continue to have lots of fun swimming and showed some fantastic skills in…

20 Oct

11R Show Racism the Red Card

This term we have been looking at Hairspray the musical. We have learnt about ‘Black’ and ‘White’ segregation in USA in the 1960s. 

Today we have proudly danced to ‘You can’t Stop the Beat’ a song from the musical - no matter who you are, if you want to get up and dance, don’t let anyone…

20 Oct

What a busy first half term in sycamore !

We have had such a lovely half term in Sycamore Class this half term.
The children have shown some amazing listening skills during their swimming lessons and amazed the staff with their efforts and positive ‘can do’ attitude.
We have been very lucky for Asda to come into school and promote…

19 Oct

The End of Autumn 1 in Beech Class

What have Beech Class been getting up to for the past 2 weeks I hear you ask?! ….. Well we will tell you!!!

We have looked at ‘big and little’ using different size animals, carefully constructing towers, and building sandcastles. We have enjoyed the outdoors and had nature trays in class…

17 Oct

10G’s Autumnal Walk and Lunch Out

On Monday we walked through the park to The Astley for our lunch. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing the leaves around but we all enjoyed our walk. When we arrived at the Astley we found our tables and we sat with our friends. The ladies brought our meals and some juice which Mrs Cobham…

16 Oct

7P Out and About

It has been a very busy few weeks for 7P!

Before going out into the community we have been practicing crossing the road using a zebra crossing on our bike track. We worked on making sure we were looking left and right, waiting for the cars to stop and ensuring we crossed safely. 


15 Oct

8A Superhero Creations Save the Day!

Good afternoon, 

Sometimes when I write this blog I just do not know where to start! We have been that busy this week I haven’t even got room for photos of our scientific investigation which challenged the pupils to make a traditional compass using water and magnets. 

But one thing did…