8P week 4, 15/3/24
This week we have been very busy taking part in lots of activities.
We celebrated Neurodiversity week by learning about how we are all different, in the way we process information and the way we think.
This was a very interesting lesson, and we all learnt lots of interesting facts.

8P Spring 2 Week 3
8P have had a fantastic week!
On Monday, we did Weekend News and then PE and PSHE. The children enjoyed making dance sequences and learning about their bodies.
On Tuesday, we did Number in Maths and did Science in the afternoon. We did some really fun sound vibrations experiments.
8P week 2 (1/3/24)
It has been a busy week for the pupils and staff in 8P.
We have done lots of hard work and also had lots of fun.
Unfortunately, the rain meant that we had to use the school transport to take part in our weekly shopping trip (instead of practising our travel training), but we still had a…

8P Spring2 week 1
Pupils and staff in 8P have returned back to school, refreshed and ready for lots of learning and fun.
This week, we have been taking part in lots of different activities, including maths where we have been beginning to learn about money and all the different types of coins, as well as our…
Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!
Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!
I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!
The wheel has been spun and the…

8P Spring 1, week 4
It has been a very busy week for the staff and pupils in 8P.
We have done lots of interesting lessons, including Maths, English, Phonics and Cooking.
This morning, we were fortunate enough to go on a trip to Rascals indoor play centre, to make up for the Christmas trip which was cancelled…

8P week 3 26/1/24
The pupils of 8P have done lots of learning and fun activities this week.
We enjoyed a walk to Tesco, where we split into two groups to buy the ingredients for cooking and items for snack. We followed our shopping lists really well, and took turns carrying the basket, choosing the correct…

World Religion Week - 2024
What a wonderful week Astley Park had last week for World Religion Week.
Each class enjoyed exploring and learning about their allocated religions though a variety of personalised activities including Attention Autism, Crafts, Circle Times, Research and Writing and Cooking. Wow, everyone was…

8P week 2 19/1/24
It has been a very snowy and cold week for 8P, but we have kept warm by getting involved in lots of activities.
A visit by a P.C.S.O. from our local Police force was extremely interesting. This was arranged as part of the ‘My Community’ curriculum - Employer encounters.
We were encouraged to…

8P week 1. 12/1/24
The pupils and staff have had a lovely week back in class, after a very busy Christmas.
We had a walk to Asda where we split into two groups, one group searched for and bought items for our snack time while the other group searched for and bought items for our food technology lesson.
World Religion Week 2024
Astley Park School are proud to be celebrating World Religion Week next week (15/01/24-19/01/24).
Each class has been allocated a different religion to learn about though a variety of lessons and experiences across the week. Please see the list below to see what religions individual classes…

8P week 8. 22/12/23
What a wonderful week it has been for staff and pupils in 8P.
We have watched some lovely Christmas films, drank hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream, eaten yummy party food, played party games and danced to Christmas music.
Unfortunately, our class trip to meet Santa at the farm had…