8P Summer 2 Week 4 23-24
This week in 8P we worked on being Sun safe as we had very hot weather, we learnt that sun cream should be applied every 2 hours, wearing a hat helps keep our heads cool & protects our face from the Sun. We brought water bottles in so we could keep on top of our fluids & stay hydrated due to…

8P Sports Week 2023-2024
8P have had a fantastic week this week. We have participated in lots of different activities throughout the week as parts of our Sports Week! These have included Yoga on Monday, Multisports on Wednesday and Multisports (different activities) on Friday.
They developed their fundamental…

8P Rainbow Day
8P celebrated Rainbow Day on Friday by learning about how families around the world are all different. For example, some families have two mums, some families have two dads, some families have a mum and a dad, and some families have two mums and two dads. We also discussed how there are also…

8P Summer 2 Week 2 2023-2024
This week in 8P, we've done lots of fun learning as part of our new Summer 2 timetable!
Monday: We did PE in the morning, and everyone joined in really well! We did Weekend News/positive play and watered our plants in the polytunnel in the afternoon.
Tuesday: We did PSHE in the…

8P Rascals - End of Summer 1 treat!
8P had a fantastic day today at Rascals for our end of half term treat!
We had our own party room and had lunch there too.
Thank you to the Rascals staff who looked after us so well!
Have a great half term break everyone!
8P Summer 1 Week 5 (2023-2024) - Bikeability, Yoga and more!
8P have had a fantastic week!
On Monday, we did Bike Ability in the morning, Yoga just after lunch and Weekend News in the afternoon.
On Tuesday, we did swimming and summer fair posters in the morning, and learnt about postcards that used words from our Phonics units in the afternoon.

8P Summer 1 Week 4
8P have had a fantastic 4-day week this week!
On Tuesday, we did our weekend news in the morning and learnt about postcards and zones in the afternoon.
On Wednesday, we did our weekly differentiated Colourful Semantics activities and we learn about strangers, safe strangers and online safety…

8P Summer 1 Week 3 - a great week!
We’ve had a fantastic week in 8P this week!
On Monday, we did our weekend news. In the afternoon, we did our Athletics PE lesson and then did our differentiated PSHE lesson. The children focused really well in PE and PSHE this week.
On Tuesday, half of the class went swimming and the other…

8P Summer 1, Week 2
We’ve had a fantastic week again in 8P!
On Monday, we did our weekend news. In the afternoon, we did our first Athletics PE lesson and then did our differentiated PSHE lesson.
On Tuesday, half of the class went swimming and the other half stayed in school and learnt about Eid. In…

8P Summer 1 Week 1
We’ve had a fantastic week in 8P! What a great first week back.
On Monday, we did our holiday news, where we looked at lots of photos of what we did in the holidays and talked about our time off school. In the afternoon, we played on the wobble boards and then did our PSHE lesson on body…

8P final week 28/3/24
We have finally made it to our last day before the Easter break.
8P have had a lovely week.
We have been to the supermarket, where we bought items for our food technology lesson.
We have made a variety of sandwiches which we ate this morning, before making some really nice Easter…

8P week 5, 22/3/24
It has been a lovely week in 8P and we have all been busy taking part in lots of different activities.
To help us with our maths, we had a trip out to a local supermarket where we chose things from our shopping list. We each took turns to pick items up from the shelves, but the best part was…