14 Aug

Sunny week for Group 4 in week 3!

It has been a very hot week this week! We have spent lots of time outside enjoying ourselves and playing with our favourite toys! 

We have also taken part in some of the Astley Park Challenges too! 

As a special treat we also had some ice lollies! It has been a fab week! 

7 Aug

Summer School: Group 4 - Week 2

We have had lots of fun at summer school this week with group 4. 

Miss Cross, Miss Robertson, Mr Aindow and Mrs Simpson have had lots of fun with Lottie, Harry, Isla, Harrison, George, Sean, Austin, Jacob, Harvey, Ruby, William, Teddy and Daniel.

On Monday we had fun exploring outside and…

7 Aug

Busy in Beech Classroom - Summer School Week 2 Group 3

Wow! We’ve had another great week at summer school. In Beech Classroom at the beginning of the week, we worked with some of our explorers and explored the bear hunt story in the outdoor environment, and had fun making Incy Windy Spiders in our my creativity sessions. Towards the end of the week,…

31 Jul

Summer School - Group 3 - Week 1

Welcome to the our first week in Summer School!


In Beech we enjoyed listening to the Gruffalo story, then painted some fun pictures and made masks by sticking shapes. The sensory tray was great to play with the dinosaurs, walking through the flowers and smelling their scent! In the play…

31 Jul

Fun in the sun for group 6 at summer school ☀️

We have had a wonderful week with group 6 at summer school. The weather has mostly been great so we have spent lots of time outside with our friends, played games, enjoyed yoga and dancing, done painting and enjoyed catching up with friends that we haven’t seen for a long time! We can’t wait for…

19 Jul

Summer Six Star Challenge

Hi Everyone 

We have loved seeing you all joining in so well with our challenges and earning your stars and certificates. You have until September to complete this challenge. We hope you have lots of fun. Please add photos to evidence for learning and tag parent tag- Six Star Challenge.…

17 Jul

Summer Holiday Video Offer

It’s the holidays!

Thank you so much for all your hard work and engagement with our learning videos on our YouTube channel over the last few months. It has been wonderful to see so many photos and videos of pupils taking part in activities both at home and in school. Some of you will now be…

17 Jul

Six Star Challenge Champions - Week 7

Well done to everyone who has taken part in the six star challenge for the final week of term.

This weeks 6 Star Challenge Champions are:


Scarlett - Chestnut

Georgia - 10G

Amelia - 10G

Eleanor - 10G

Isaac - 10G

Daisy - 8G


Charlie - 8G



16 Jul

Chestnuts Being Creative and Learning About Insects

What a brilliant last week we have had in Chestnut Class. We have enjoyed our daily relaxation and sensory walks looking for mini beasts as we explore the great outdoors. We had great fun during our play-dough gym sessions making a wiggly worm short and long, and bugs big and small, we especially…

13 Jul

Six Star Challenge week 5 photos and awards


A huge well done to everyone for completing last weeks challenge. We have some budding photographers in the making. The emails you have sent are brilliant and to see so many of you keeping healthy by drinking more water and taking on the squats for 1 minute is amazing. Your counting skills…

13 Jul

Six Star Challenge - Week 6


Well done to everyone taking part. 
Remember complete all 6 stars for a gold award, 5 stars for a silver award and any star for a bronze award. Please send your photos to class teachers or put them in our evidence for learning app with six star challenge tag. 
Keep up the good work! 

10 Jul

Chestnut Class Explore Mini Beasts

This week in Chestnut Class we have been very busy exploring different kinds of mini beasts. We have done some amazing bug counting and trying to find different mini beasts around the classroom. 

We listened to a very exciting story called 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and Mrs James brought…