12 Feb

Chestnut Class Superstars

What another busy week for Chestnut Class!

We have been carrying on with our beach theme in Class. We have all been busy building sandcastles, making huge ice-creams from different materials and decorating them, pretending to be crabs and click-clacking with instruments, and making handprint…

8 Feb

100 laps for Captain Sir Tom Moore

Over the next week pupils and staff at Astley Park will be attempting to walk a total of 100 laps of the school track or if learning from home around their local area or gardens in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore who became the nation’s hero last spring after raising more than £32m for the NHS…

5 Feb

The Sun Has Got His Hat On ..... in Chestnut Class!!

The children in Chestnut have been using a little wishful thinking this week and exploring ‘The Beach’.

In Class we really enjoyed a funny Ice Cream Splat session. We each got a turn to splat Miss Heaton’s ice creams until there were none left!!!

We then had a go at following instructions…

29 Jan

Little Farmers in Chestnut Class!

It's been another busy week for the Chestnut Class children. Lets see what our home learners have been up to ...

Austin has been developing his fine motor skills doing lots of fun activities, such as playdoh gym. 

Bobby has been getting busy in the kitchen baking yummy cakes!!

It has been…

22 Jan

World Religion Week - 6 Star Challenge

We hope everybody has had lots of fun learning about their class religion in our World Religion Week activities.


This week we have had lots of photos and videos shared with us of everybody at Astley Park completing our very special World Religion Week Six Star Challenge. Your teachers and…

22 Jan

Chestnut Class Explore Colour

This week in Chestnut Class our theme has been 'The Countryside'.

In class, Alex has been counting of all our farm animals and sorting big, medium, and small.

We have all been getting musical and enjoyed singing ‘Old Macdonald Had A Farm’ during what's in the box. LeBron did really well…

18 Jan

Chill & Chat Tuesday 26th January

On Tuesday 26th January we will be holding our first virtual ‘Chill & Chat’ session with parents and carers. The first session will be focused on supporting learning and well-being at home during these challenging times. The aim of the session is to provide an informal forum for parents to have a…

15 Jan

Chestnut Class Have Been Busy at Home and at School!

Wow, what a busy week Chestnut Class have had!! 

Alex did great work on Education City, did lots of reading, and loved playing on the scooter board. Benedict did lovely vocalising during Intensive Interaction with Miss Beck and has made fantastic progress during his changing routine. George…

8 Jan

Snowy Fun in Chestnut Class

Happy New Year Everyone!

What a busy first week back in Chestnut Class!! We have been getting creative and exploring Winter trays.


Alex really enjoyed making a egg carton snowman and playing book shop with Miss Howarth. 


Benedict loved playing out in the snow with Mrs…

8 Jan

Welcoming Miss Howarth to Chestnut Class

We have brilliant news for Chestnut class- this week we have welcomed a new member of staff to our team- Miss Howarth. We are all very excited and the children in school have enjoyed getting to know her. Miss Howarth can’t wait to meet everyone who is learning at home and would like to tell you a…

18 Dec

Busy Little Chestnut Elves

Chestnut Class have had a lovely time over the past few weeks getting Christmassy. We have been like busy little elves making lots of crafts to take home at the end of term. We have all done super listening whilst developing our fine motor skills, to make lovely gifts for our families. We can’t…

4 Dec

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Chestnut!!

What a busy week we’ve had in Chestnut Class. We’ve been exploring lots of fun Christmas activities. During continuous provision we’ve been getting messy with our igloo snow scene made with flour and glitter, and have been using our fine motor skills to colour some beautiful Christmas pictures. We…