28 Feb

8G Food Technology Week 7- Pancakes (Group 1)

It was our first Cooking and Nutrition session of Spring 2 and we couldn't miss the chance to make pancakes after it was Shrove Tuesday this week!

It was Group 1's turn to cook this week- we are all getting much better at remembering how to set up when we get into the Food Tech room. We wash…

28 Feb

Embracing pancakes the savoury way

In food technology today we made savoury pancakes. 

Pupils researched their recipes in ICT yesterday and sent me shopping for the ingredients. They then followed their plans and instructions from yesterday to make their pancake today.


Then general consensus was they were…

11 Feb

9G make their own pizza

9G have been very busy today and made our own pizzas which we enjoyed eating at snack time. We had to work in our pairs and follow the instructions to make them. First we had to spread passata over our pizza base. Then we worked together sprinkling cheese on our pizzas and chopping peppers to put…

31 Jan

8G Food Technology Week 4- Fruity Flapjacks (Group 2)

Week 4 means it was Group 2's turn to cook again.

On the menu were Fruity Flapjacks, just like Group 1 cooked last week.

Miss Aindow shared the recipe with everyone, then we took it in turns to collect the right equipment that we needed. We are all getting much better at looking carefully…

28 Jan

9Gs creative cooking

9G got very busy today in cooking. We made lots of mini pizza quiches. We cut the wraps into circles, chopped peppers, tomatoes and salami and cracked the eggs to mix together our base. We took turns with our partners to do this and helped each other throughout the whole process. We then put the…

24 Jan

8G Food Technology Week 3- Fruity Flapjacks (Group 1)

Before we started, we needed to wash our hands and put our aprons on as we know it is important to make sure our hands are clean and that our uniform stays clean too.

Mrs England and Miss Aindow gave out the recipes and read them to us.

Next, we took it in turns to find the equipment that we…

22 Jan

8G Food Technology Week 1- Tomato Spirals (Group 2)

It was Group 2's turn to cook this week. 

First, Mrs England read the recipe to the group and then it was time to collect the equipment. Pupils were encouraged to use the labels on the cupboards in the Food Tech room to find the equipment that they needed. Everyone worked together and managed…

21 Jan

9Gs Crazy Cooking

9G were very busy yesterday trying out another healthy recipe. We made creamy linguine with ham. To do this we first had to break up the linguine then give it to Miss Holden to cook it. We then got busy cutting up the ham, breaking up two eggs, adding lemon juice, creme fraiche and grated cheese.…

17 Jan

7R learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week 2020!

This week, 7R have been learning about Sikhism. We started by learning about the 5Ks. We watched videos and interacted with props before making our own Kangha or designing a Kirpan. We talked about what the 5Ks represented for Sikhs. We then learnt all about the Gudwara. We learnt about the…

10 Jan

8G Food Technology Week 1- Tomato Spirals (Group 1)

8G started cooking lessons this week. Every week we will take it in turns to cook something as part of our healthy eating topic.

This week it was Group 1's turn to cook. They made tomato spirals with Mrs England and Miss Aindow.

Before they started, everyone washed their hands and put on an…

7 Jan

Oak - A Ha-pea Treat!

Today Oak have been busy in the food-tech room decorating and designing our own ‘evil pea’ biscuits. 

Josh told us that the first thing we needed to do was wash our hands because ‘we don’t want dirty germs on our food’. After we washed our hands we followed through the steps to decorate our…

18 Dec

9Gs festive fun

9G have been really busy on the run up to Christmas’s. We had a lovely time decorating our massive Christmas tree together. We also had a fun end of term trip to McDonald’s where we got to have a drink and chose either chips or ice cream. We have also been very creative and melted our own snow,…