1 May

MADD week - Friday

MADD Week,  Friday - Australia

Our final MADD day was yet again filled with fun.

We started of the day by looking at different animals that live in Australia. Then we picked pictures to colour and research.


 After break we looked at Aboriginal art work.

We found out that Dots…

1 May

9R - Learning from home. Week 6

9R have been very busy this week doing lots of learning from home. 
They have used education city and purple mash to do lots of wonderful school work, doing lots of reading and answering questions about what they have read and having a look at shapes in their maths work.


After watching…

26 Apr

Willow class learning from home- Summer week 1

Hello everyone!

We have had some good weather this week so I hope you have had a chance to spend some time in the sun with your families. Let’s have a look at what some of our class have been up to this week!

Liam, Jake, Owen, Hasan and Olivia all took part in our Easter egg decorating…

24 Apr

Thank you Poundland Chorley

Thank you Poundland Chorley for the Easter eggs you sent us. 
we melted them down and made some yummy dinosaur crispy nests yummy. We took turns mixing, putting in the cake cases and filling them. We love chocolate thank you. There are still a few left so keep an eye out for more chocolatey fun! 

24 Apr

Dinosaur discoveries in 7R!

Hi everybody,

I hope you are all enjoying our new topic - dinosaurs! I love the research you have done this week and look forward to hearing what else you find out over the coming weeks. Have a look at each other’s work below. Tyler and Kristen have added questions to their fact files for you…

24 Apr

9G Keeping busy at home

9G have had another really busy week at home. Let's see what we've all been getting up to. 

Calum has been working hard on his reading and ICT skills. He has worked hard on a range of tasks on purple mash and education city. He has also enjoyed going for a 3 mile walk and got to feed some…

18 Mar

8G Food Technology Week 10- Butterfly Buns

There are not many pupils left in 8G at the moment so we decided to scrap the groups and instead, all bake together for a change. We also got to work with Mrs Carney and Miss Robinson too this afternoon which has been lovely as well. Butterfly buns were on the agenda today.

As always, we made…

18 Mar

7R learn about healthy eating!

7R have spent the afternoon learning about healthy eating. First we watched an information video about different food groups and why they are important for the body. We learnt that diary foods help our teeth and bones stay strong, carbohydrates give us energy, proteins help our muscles repair and…

13 Mar

Smoothie shop in Willow Class

Willow class enjoyed a functional maths and food etc lesson, designing a smoothie recipe.

The children had to choose the ingredients they wanted, then use the price lists to work out what the quantity of each ingredient would cost.

Next children had to visit the banker to withdraw the money…

28 Feb

8G Food Technology Week 7- Pancakes (Group 1)

It was our first Cooking and Nutrition session of Spring 2 and we couldn't miss the chance to make pancakes after it was Shrove Tuesday this week!

It was Group 1's turn to cook this week- we are all getting much better at remembering how to set up when we get into the Food Tech room. We wash…

28 Feb

Embracing pancakes the savoury way

In food technology today we made savoury pancakes. 

Pupils researched their recipes in ICT yesterday and sent me shopping for the ingredients. They then followed their plans and instructions from yesterday to make their pancake today.


Then general consensus was they were…

11 Feb

9G make their own pizza

9G have been very busy today and made our own pizzas which we enjoyed eating at snack time. We had to work in our pairs and follow the instructions to make them. First we had to spread passata over our pizza base. Then we worked together sprinkling cheese on our pizzas and chopping peppers to put…