27 Jun

Teamwork at its best in 11G

A day for amazing teamwork-we created our own pasta bake.

After we put the pasta on to cook- Alex M chopped the onion, Alex L the red pepper, Mason the redone and Calum the green one, Dylan chopped the courgette, Faith chopped the mushrooms, Hayden chopped the pepperoni and Amelia added…

27 May

10G Celebrate the Queen's Jubilee

Another fantastic event for 10G. We had a super time at the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. We extended the skills we have developed through our café work experience to our hot dog stall. We used our communication, cooking, Maths and safety knowledge to run this successfully. We had roles of the…

25 May

Sycamore make fruit salad

Sycamore had a great time creating their own fruit salad today. They had to follow an individual instruction sheet, finding their own equipment and ingredients they need. Following their individual instructions they prepared their strawberries, apples and bananas and the group were really proud to…

5 May

Willow class cook safely with heat!

This term Willow class are learning all about food and how to prepare it in our “The world about me” lessons.

This week we tied this in with our Eid celebrations by looking at different foods Muslim families eat to celebrate Eid. We had a look as a class at lots of different types of foods and…

29 Apr

10G Begin a New Term

Our Topic this term is My Healthy Lifestyle. We are continuing our cafe but extending the range of foods we offer. We will continue our work in the community by undertaking weekly visits to the library and supermarket. In the supermarket we are increasing our independence skills with individual…

2 Mar

Pancake Tuesday in Chestnut Class

What a wonderful and very messy time we had in Chestnut Class on Shrove Tuesday. During Stage 2 Attention Autism we watched Miss Spear create a pancake mixture and in Stage 3 we took turns to flip a pancake! Chestnut Class have been working very hard on their turn taking skills which require them…

3 Feb

Willow class cook Crumbles!

Today Willow have been practicing our functional measurement skills through cookery. The children worked hard to follow a recipe to create a mini app,e crumble each. 
Everyone did an amazing job at applying their kitchen safety skills we practiced last week, making sure to use sharp equipment…

22 Nov

Return of Breakfast and After School Clubs

Last week we were delighted to re-open our Breakfast and After School clubs following a decrease in the number of positive COVID cases in school.

Breakfast Club takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00am to 8:45am. Pupils can use our special menu to choose from a selection of…

10 Nov

Children in Need fundraing in 8A

In 8A for Children in Need this year we have decided to make and sell dog biscuits to staff. Josh designed an order form and Owen G, Daniel and Jake made some money boxes. JJ, Teddy, Megan, Amelia and Annie worked as a team to make the biscuits we used Pudsey Bear shape biscuit cutters to cut out…

5 Nov

A Busy Week and a New Look 11R

On their return to school this week 11R received their leavers hoodies which they all look very smart in. A big thank you to 11G staff from all of us for arranging them.   
This week there have been lots of activities going on. We have continued with our Environmental Awareness module looking at…

17 Sep

11G’s Jeans for Gene’s Day!


Today 11G have been learning all about what jeans for genes day is, why we celebrate it and we learnt some facts another different genetic conditions. We learnt that the money we contributed went to help support children and families with different genetic conditions. We all designed our…

9 Jul

7A are looking forward to Year 8

Well our last full week in 7A has come around so quickly. We are looking forward to a few days of celebrations next week but this week in My Communication  we have been thinking about what we are looking forward to in Year 8. Most of us are looking forward to moving to a new classroom and…