25 Jun

11R Work Hard and Play Hard

What a fantastic day we had on Thursday. The morning started off with us identifying what we would like to buy for our dinner from ASDA. 

We then costed up prices as a meal deal and worked out how much money we could save if we pooled our money together. 

We walked to ASDA and split up into…

14 May

Eid Mubarak from Willow Class!

This month Willow class has been learning all about Ramadan and how Muslims practice their faith during this time. We also took part in the Ramadan kindness challenge of daily activities to spread kindness and happiness. 
On Thursday it was Eid so the children learnt all about what Eid is as a…

5 May

10G’s Bake off!


10G have worked hard to be super chefs today. We have been learning all about how to use technology at home, school and in the community. Yesterday we worked very hard to make ourselves a set of instructions in order to create our very own chocolate mug cake. We found out that we could use…

26 Mar

10G’s eggcellent week!


10G have had a busy and eggcellent week. We have been learning all about how to stay healthy and what meals and snacks we should be eating. We have also been very busy practising our reading and counting skills. We have worked very hard on this and have all achieved a lot since we have…

12 Feb

10G smashed another lockdown!

Wow 10G. We made it to half term. We have all been learning from home this half term. It has been very strange but we have enjoyed still being able to see each other four days a week on our TEAMS calls and understand that we need to stay safe at home. We have all had another busy week this week.…

12 Feb

Week 6 in 8G

Well, it’s finally half-term and it seems like forever since we’ve all been together in class, but our whole class sessions on Teams have kept all our spirits up, Our baking sessions have been brilliant, and this week was no exception - we made chocolate cakes in class, and Harry, Eshan and Josh…

5 Feb

Another busy week in 8G

What a busy week we’ve had in 8G!

Our theme has been Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, and we’ve really enjoyed watching the original film in class. Katie and Clayton are also reading the book. We linked our science to this topic when we explored solids and liquids - we talked about what…

29 Jan

10G’s Wonderful Work!

10G have had another great week working from home. We have got to see each other lots this week on all of our TEAMS calls and did a fantastic job with working out what items roll, slide, bounce or don’t do any of the options during our science experiment. We also had a great time with Mr Murphy…

26 Jan

Week 3 of Spring 1 10G

10G have been very busy this week. We all enjoyed seeing each other for morning group and talking about our weekend news, talking about some very exciting lessons we will be having with Mr Murphy every Wednesday afternoon, taking part in a maths quiz and making a cup of tea and toast for ourselves…

20 Jan

10R Celebrate World Religion Week

We all know times are challenging at the moment. This means it is especially important that we look after our bodies and minds. This means being kind to ourselves and taking part in activities that we find relaxing and that we can do together at home. There is a strong link between cooking,…

15 Jan

Week 1 6 Star Challenge

What a great week you have all had. Everyone at Astley Park School has done an amazing job at completing our first 6 star challenge of 2021. We have had some great pictures of what you have all been getting upto. The challenges were how many squats can you do in one minute, colour in the…

18 Dec

Santa Clause is coming to 10G!

10G have had another fantastic week. We have been incredibly busy and on Wednesday we got to have a video call with Santa. We had a lovely chat and enjoyed seeing his grotto in the North Pole. We also got some amazing presents from Santa’s lovely elves. Miss Robertson let us open them in class and…