17 Dec

Christmas is coming in Rowan Class!

Our last week in Rowan class before Christmas and we have been doing lots of Christmas activities!


Bingo! Rowan class loved Christmas bingo on Tuesday. 


On Wednesday we had our breakfast with Santa. It was so exciting wearing our pyjamas, seeing Santa and receiving our presents…

27 Nov

10R Try New Tastes

As part of our ASDAN work some of 10R have been making healthy snacks on Friday mornings. This week pupils were very concerned to learn they were making goats cheese, tomato and olive triangles as they were confident that they didn’t like olives, goats cheese or tomatoes!  
We talked about how…

20 Nov

8R Busy, busy week.

What a busy fun filled week we have had again in 8R. We have been on a few different fact finding missions. At the beginning of the week Miss Brophy set us the challenge of finding out what a continent was and then see if we could name them. We worked well using our iPads to name the seven…

13 Nov

10G’s fun filled week!

10G have a busy and fun filled week this week. We have enjoyed writing a letter to Miss Bamber and Mrs Lilley inviting them to video call with us so that we can ask them lots of questions all about being a new parent. We also enjoys learning all about Remembrance Day. We read a story all about why…

13 Nov

8R Remembrance Week.

This week 8R having been learning all about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We made our own acrostic poems about this subject and discovered that we have some budding poets in our class. We made some lovely poppies wreaths along with some great silhouette soldier paintings. On Wednesday we…

6 Nov

7A love fireworks!

7A have loved learning about Bonfire Night this week as part of our Celebrations topic. 

On Wednesday afternoon, we completed a challenge to create safety fireworks for the younger children to refer to on Bonfire Night. We listened to a safety presentation and then added our own suggestions…

6 Nov

Bonfire night in Willow class!

Wow Willow class, what a great first week back! 
You have had a great start to the new term. We have started our class book of Little red riding hood, looking at the characters and how we can use descriptive language like adjectives to define characters in book. Some of us even tried writing a…

6 Nov

8R Bonfire Week

In class this week as well as doing our usual class work we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. Miss Brophy organised some fun activities which included making some chocolate apples, making some special cake called Parkin and creating some lovely art work. We weighed all the ingredients out and…

23 Oct

Wicked Willow gets spooky!

Prepare to be scared when you see these spooky pictures of Willow class!

Willow Class worked so hard this week to create some amazing Halloween decorations! 
Everyone has been super brainy, working with class adults to complete assessments so we can try some fun new work after half term! We…

23 Oct

It’s Half Term and Halloween, Hurrah!

It’s been a busy half term and we’ve ended on a high with a fantastic Halloween Celebration. Lots of the pupils and staff joined in by dressing up and when greeting the pupils from the buses this morning it was a challenge to know who was who! 

The morning started off with a beautiful rainbow…

9 Oct

Week 5 in 8R and Miss Brophy’s Birthday.

What another fun week we’ve had in 8R. We have been very busy working on keeping fit and and being healthy. We played a great game of keep fit bingo. Check out the photographs and look at how good our planking is. We have made some great healthy fruit kebabs, then wrote out the instructions to…

2 Oct

Macmillan Coffee Morning 8R

Today we have been raising money in school  for Macmillan Cancer Research by holding a virtual coffee morning. 8R have been busy making cakes for themselves to enjoy today and we held a Teams Quiz which some parents were able to join in via Teams Video Call. The quiz was made by the pupils who…