9 Jul

What the ladybird heard party in Willow class

In Willow class this half term we have been reading the story ‘What the ladybird heard.’ We planned our own party for the end of term. We dressed as animals or in our favourite colours, we had our face painted, we decorated biscuits with red and black icing to make ladybirds, we played pin the…

9 Jun

A busy first week back in Sycamore !

Welcome back ! 

Syacmore class have come back ready to hit the ground running . 

This week in PE we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills working towards a full game of rounders . 

In music this week the children have amazed all staff with their  knowledge of…

19 May

9A Summer - Share Our Learning (session 1)

9A had their first Share Our Learning event of the Summer term this week! 
We had Josh’s mum and Daniel’s mum visit us. 

The pupils started off by performing their sensory regulation carousels. 
They enjoyed showing the parents how to use the resources. Josh even used the head massager on…

12 May

7A Bake Off and library visit

This week was very exciting in 7A… we were decorating our Coronation cakes in our Bake Off competition!

Everyone found their designs and got to work on their masterpieces. We rolled out icing (some may have been eaten along the way!!) and cut out pieces to make the designs. We had different…

12 May

8P make mocktails !

In 8P today the children have obsevered how a mock tail is made. 
Then as a class we discussed the equipment and ingredients we will need to make our very own mocktail. 
The class all worked super hard independently to write a list of Ingredients and instructions how to make the perfect…

5 May

Happy 16th Birthday Thomas

On Friday in 11G the pupils celebrated Thomas’ 16th birthday at Escape Entertainment in Chorley.

We all travelled in style on the new 9 seater minibus. 

The pupils had pre-ordered their lunch. Some of them had pizza, which looked yummy! Others chose cheeseburger and pasta. They all enjoyed…

5 May

A Royal celebration in 7A.

This week is all about King Charles III Coronation.

7A have been extremely busy with all things royal.

We have researched on our IPads all about King Charles III so we know when he was born, who his mum was, who his children are, his hobbies and lots of other interesting facts.


5 May

Coronation Week in Oak Class

Oak Class have had a fantastic week celebrating the King’s Coronation! 

We have been making requests and commenting on objects using our communication and core boards! We created King Charles III window art and our very own Union Jack flags. We thoroughly enjoyed wearing crowns and singing ‘If…

24 Apr

Hands on for Earth Day in 7A.

Today we have learnt all about Earth Day.

We celebrate Earth Day to show how much we care about the Earth.

7A looked at a presentation about Earth Day 2023. They discussed all the different things we could do to help look after Earth, from recycling, walking instead of travelling by car or…

21 Apr

7A celebrate Eid.

Today we have been looking at the Eid holiday.

Eid al-Fitr is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam. The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.

The day starts with prayers…

24 Mar

Oak Class Zoo Vets

Oak Class have had a very busy week! 

We have explored the story of the ‘Zoo Vet’ with sensory experiences. We have worked hard on expressing ‘I see…’ and ‘I hear…’ across contexts.

We have also explored string instruments in our Charanga sessions. Confidence was gained during food…

17 Mar

11G Week 4 and Red Nose Day

This week 11G have been busy finishing their ASDAN work. 

On Monday in maths they looked at measuring and the different ways to measure liquids and solids. 

The class watched the start of The BFG as this is the book they will be looking at this half term. We made some frobscottle, the BFG’s…