24 May

Jubilee Celebrations in Oak

We have started our Jubilee Celebrations in Oak Class today we watched an Attention Autism where Miss Hothersall painted a Union Jack flag using paint, paintbrushes and rollers. We talked about the colours red white and blue and the different shapes on the flag. We then took turns playing a game…

24 May

Jubilee Celebrations in Oak

We have started our Jubilee Celebrations in Oak Class today we watched an Attention Autism where Miss Hothersall painted a Union Jack flag using paint, paintbrushes and rollers. We talked about the colours red white and blue and the different shapes on the flag. We then took turns playing a game…

20 May

Beech Class Summer Term Week 5

This week in Beech class we were focusing on Goldilocks and the three bears. Our attention autism sessions have been based all around bears and their homes. On Monday we attempted to create a glitter mandala for Buddha day. 

In our mornings have been focussed on preferred regulation choices…

20 May

Beech Class Summer Term Week 5

This week in Beech class we were focusing on Goldilocks and the three bears. Our attention autism sessions have been based all around bears and their homes. On Monday we attempted to create a glitter mandala for Buddha day. 

In our mornings have been focussed on preferred regulation choices…

17 May

Happy Wesak!

On Monday, all pupils celebrated Wesak (Buddha Day). The Buddhist festival celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Pupils explored the story of Buddha in ways appropriate to their pathway and worked hard creating mandalas which were entered into the APS Mandala Contest, the…

16 May

10R say Happy Wesak!

Today 10R made some beautiful cards for Wesak. 
We followed instructions to make the card as part of our celebration of Buddha day.

The class coloured in some Mandala and we talked about how we are all unique as our lotus flowers and Mandala are unique.

we learned that Wesak celebrates the…

6 May

Eid Mubarak

This week we have been celebrating Eid al-Fitr across school.

Eid al-Fitr (which means ‘festival to break the fast’) marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting. Ramadan teaches self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice and empathy.

Pupils have celebrated by participating in a…

6 May

Rowan Class celebrate Eid

Rowan Class have enjoyed celebrating Eid this week, and exploring the Muslim religion.

We read stories about Eid, and discussed other religions and their special days/celebrations.

We decorated some traditional lanterns, and designed some lovely Mehndi patterns. In cooking we made some…

6 May

7P showing their independence and getting busy!

7P have had an amazing couple of weeks

Last week we got back into the swing of things after residential, working on our team work skills during parachute games, walking Coco and we also did some circus yoga! 

This last week 7P have started their week by half of the group going on a…

5 May

Willow class cook safely with heat!

This term Willow class are learning all about food and how to prepare it in our “The world about me” lessons.

This week we tied this in with our Eid celebrations by looking at different foods Muslim families eat to celebrate Eid. We had a look as a class at lots of different types of foods and…

26 Apr

Judaism Faith Leader Visit

We had a very special visitor on Friday! Amy Troner attended school as a Jewish faith leader and delivered multiple engaging workshops for our pupils. Amy was accompanied by Mr. Maher (school governor) for the morning sessions. Amy shared her main beliefs and explained all about Jewish festivals,…

22 Apr

Activities in 9G’s Big Top!!

What a busy first week back after Easter. 

Everyone has been busy over the break and we have loved hearing all about what they have been up to.

This week in 9G we have been exploring The Circus.

We listened to a lovely sensory story, it had elephants, jugglers,clowns and a Ringmaster.…