15 Jul

Maple Score!

Maple had the best morning down at Westway! We are all very proud of how well the boys represented Astley Park. The class attended the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership Football Festival. All the boys actively participated in a penalty shoot out against an FA representative. George was the top…

20 Jun

Rainbow week in Willow class

Willow class had a great time celebrating rainbow week.

We learnt all about what Pride means and who is part of the  LGBTQ+ community, having some really grown up discussions! We talked about how families look different and people might have two mums, two dads, only one parent or live with a…

17 Jun

10G Celebrate Rainbow Week

This week at Astley Park School we have celebrated Rainbow Week, as part of Pride month. We have been talking about how we are all different which makes us all special. We enjoyed learning about families and how they can all be different, but still equally as wonderful. 

As part of the…

17 Jun

Rainbow week in 9G


This week at Astley Park School it is “ Rainbow Week”. 

Each class at Astley Park has been looking at our different families, the people we live with and how we are all different and proud to be who we are! 


In 9G, we looked at what makes all kinds of different families. 


17 Jun

7P Celebrate Pride for Rainbow Week

7P have had a brilliant week this week! 

At the start of the week we went to the shop to work on our independence skills. 7P did some super paying, looking for items they needed to buy and crossing the road.

This week our focus has been LGBT+ and what this means. 7P had some wonderful…

17 Jun

10R Inclusivity and Diversity 2022

This week 10R have been learning all about diversity and inclusivity.

We have learnt about how Families come in all different sizes and shapes and how this is wonderful. 
10R showed a fantastic knowledge of how to be inclusive and what diversity means. 
We are all proud to be us and how each…

17 Jun

A fabulous Rainbow Week in 8A

8A have been joining in with the celebrations around school for Rainbow Week this week.

At the beginning of the week some of our Adventurer learners took part in an Attention Autism session with Mrs Fisher and Miss Berry. We practiced naming the colours and watched Mrs Fisher perform some magic…

17 Jun

Celebrating LGBTQ+ with 11G

All of us in 11G are very good at accepting that every person is unique and special!

This week we have been concentrating and learning all about LGBTQ+ and celebrating diversity and the fact that everyone is different and together we all create a rainbow! 
We have found out lots of…

17 Jun

Beech class rainbow week

In honour of our whole school Rainbow day celebrations, Beech have been exploring all things Rainbow this week! In our Attention Autism sessions, we have explored a different colour everyday using coloured water, foods, and other sensory mediums. 

In preparation for Friday’s Rainbow day parade,…

17 Jun

Chestnut Class Rainbow Week

Chestnut class have had a very colourful week as we have enjoyed lots of Rainbow themed activities as part of our Rainbow Day celebrations! We have enjoyed sharing photos of our families and finding them in the tuff tray. During Attention Autism sessions we have enjoyed creating our own flag for…

16 Jun

Maple Rainbow Week

This week we have focused on rainbows. We enjoyed a story all about families, explored in colour themed tuff trays and attended attention autism. We very much enjoyed creating rainbows with skittles and paint. We wore red on Friday and some of us attended the colour parade on the track and helped…

15 Jun

Oak Class Rainbow Week

This week we have focused on Rainbows and families. We started by listening to a story all about different families, we then used our pictures to make our own family homes. In the afternoon we watched Miss make a rainbow during attention autism and then made some smaller ones. Oak class then all…