7 Feb

Oak - Victorian Day 2020

Yesterday was our first history day of the year and we got to learn all about the Victorians.


Oak class got busy finding out that; 

  • A lot of victorian people were poor.
  • Children would work in the factories.
  • Some Victorian people were very clever and invented things that we still…
5 Feb

Oak - Bikeability


Today Chorley Schools Sports Partnership came to work with Oak class.

We warmed up our bodies playing a game and then we got busy with the bikes. We did some walking with our bikes and then we got to ride them! We learnt that we must wear helmets on our bikes to keep us…

22 Jan

Oak - World Religion Week 2020

Last week in celebration of World Religion Week, Oak got busy learning about Judaism ✡️.

On Monday, Miss Curry read ‘The Creation Story’ in our class assembly and we all said what we could see in the pictures. 

On Tuesday, we learnt that Jewish people worship God in a Synagogue, like…

20 Jan

Oak - Supertato Heads

In our World About Me lessons, Oak class have been exploring different plants and materials from our environment.

To continue our learning about Supertato and the Evil Pea and to help us learn the importance of plants getting water to help them grow, we have made our very own Supertato grass…