Wicked Willow gets spooky!
Prepare to be scared when you see these spooky pictures of Willow class!
Willow Class worked so hard this week to create some amazing Halloween decorations!
Everyone has been super brainy, working with class adults to complete assessments so we can try some fun new work after half term! We…

Happy birthday Olivia!
This week Willow class was very excited to have our first ever class birthday party!
It is Olivia’s birthday this week and she was so kind bringing in treats and cake to share with everyone. We all had an amazing party playing games like pass the parcel, musical statues and pin the horn on the…

Hello Yellow Day in Willow Class
Today Willow Class took part in Hello Yellow day, raising money to support young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day.
We have learnt all about the zones of regulation this term. We been working hard to recognise our own emotions and to understand how our brain and bodies feel when…

What Makes Us Happy ... Being Together! & 9G Macmillan Coffee Morning!
Wow, what an amazing first whole week back 9G have had! Everyone has coped very well, and we have had so much fun being back together!
On Monday, we continued to look at our feelings, recognising what makes us happy, sad, cross, or scared. We explored this through the story ‘What makes us…

Virtual coffee morning for Willow Class
Today, Willow Class hosted a virtual coffee morning to share with our parents so they could see what we got up to!
Mrs Scambler ran a cake shop in class and we all had a go at decorating our own cakes so we could have cakes and chat in class. Miss Riley gave us all a challenge as we had to…

Willow’s last mini bubble week!
What a week in willow class!
This was our last week in our mini-class-bubbles! We spent lots of time playing turntaking friends with our mini-bubble and chatting about how excited we are to be a big class bubble next week.
We tried lots of different bubble based activities, from bubble…

Summer Holiday Video Offer
It’s the holidays!
Thank you so much for all your hard work and engagement with our learning videos on our YouTube channel over the last few months. It has been wonderful to see so many photos and videos of pupils taking part in activities both at home and in school. Some of you will now be…

Willow celebrates sports week
The children of Willow class have loved celebrating sports week in school and at home!
In school Connor, Daniel, Grace and Owen have enjoyed taking part in the six star challenges, trying out lots of different exercises and regulation strategies and lessons staying active outdoors. They have…

Sports Week Special Six Star Challenge
NEWSFLASH - We have updated the awards criteria so anyone who tries a challenge will get a bronze award

Sports Week 2020
We are excited to announce the details of this year’s Sports Week that all of our learners can take part in whether they are learning at home or in school.
What we will be doing
- There will be six sports challenges to complete across the week. The challenges are: Warm up, Throw, Catch or…
Six Star Challenge Week 3
Happy Monday!
Here is this week's 6 star challenge. We'd love to see as many pupils as possible get involved.
Remember if you try all 6 challenges you get a gold award certificate, trying 5 challenges wins you a silver award and you will receive a bronze award for trying 4…

Six Star Challenge Awards Week 2
We have loved looking at the many photographs of our pupils having such fun completing last weeks challenges.
Week 2's Six Star Challenge Champions were:
Gold award - completing an AMAZING 6 stars:
Scarlett - Chesnut
Harvey- Maple
Thomas - 7R
Daisy - 8G
Thomas - 8R
Jessie -…