Willow class learning from home: summer week 2
Hello everyone,
Willow class have been feeling very creative last week, enjoying MADD week through arts at home and entering the flag competition. Let’s have a look at what Willow class have been up to!
Alfie has been enjoying time in the sunshine in the garden with Nana! He has been keeping…

Pyjamarama Day 2020
We hope that everyone has had fun celebrating Pyjamarama day and enjoyed the excuse to stay in your PJ’s all day!
Children in school and at home have enjoyed wearing their pyjamas while completing their learning activities. Some children have been reading with their loved ones while others have…

Willow class learning from home- Summer week 1
Hello everyone!
We have had some good weather this week so I hope you have had a chance to spend some time in the sun with your families. Let’s have a look at what some of our class have been up to this week!
Liam, Jake, Owen, Hasan and Olivia all took part in our Easter egg decorating…

Easter egg decorating competition in Willow Class
Over Easter Willow Class held a competition to decorate an egg!
We had five fantastic entries to try and win our Easter egg prize and were really impressed with your great fine motor skills decorating them. Our class staff were the judges and Miss Riley, Ms Carter, Miss Robinson, Mrs Jones, Mrs…

Willow- having fun at home!
Willow class have been having fun at home trying out lots of different exciting activities and making the most of the sunshine! We have had three big birthdays- Jake turned 11, Alfie turned 10 and Hasan turned 9- happy birthday boys!
Everyone has been enjoying family time and helping out in their…

Willow class - missing our friends but staying safe at home.
Willow class have done some fantastic learning at home this week, with Miss Riley receiving lots of lovely emails from families. The children have been working hard on education city and helping with practical tasks like cooking and cleaning in the house, spending quality time with their…

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 1
Hi Everybody,
It has been very quiet in Oak this week, with most of you learning from home. Me, Miss Woods, Miss Banks and Mrs Simpson are missing you lots, but we have loved seeing and hearing about your learning at home. It is clear to see that you have all been working hard at home, making…

Oak Class’s Healthy Cafe
This week Oak Class have been spoilt for choice with a selection of fruit, toast and biscuits for snack time.
We created our own little healthy cafe and Oak class used their own words to request what they wanted to try.
- Josh’s favourite was the apple.
- Amelia was very happy we…

Oak - Holi Festival 2020
Last Monday, Mr Darbyshire led our assembly and we learned about the traditional Hindu festival ‘The Holi Festival’. Some of us got to have a turn using powder paint to create colour clouds.
Back in Oak class we explored colour through lots of activities. Miss Cross did an Attention…

Oak - Rainbow Day 2020
Last Friday, Oak had their belated Rainbow Day and celebrated how we are all different.
First we read the story ‘We Are All Different’. We took turns using mirrors to talk about how we all look and what we had that was the same or different. Oscar told us he had glasses and Tig said he…

7G get colourful!
Last week 7G celebrated Holi festival. This is a Hindu festival where the coming of spring is celebrated through lots of colourful activities.
7G chose red as their colour to come into school in. All the children had an item of clothing on that was red.
With Mr Murphy in the morning they all…

Holi art in Willow class
On Monday, Willow class learnt about the Hindu spring festival Holi. We chose blue as our class colour and some children chose to wear this colour to school for the day. Willow class loved the idea of the paint throwing celebrations and made their own powder paint art following an attention autism…