19 May

Week 5 in Maple Class

Maple Class have had another lovely week enjoying our topic- Down on the Farm. We’ve explored the story of the Little Red Hen through Attention Autism, numbers songs and creative tasks and made the most of the lovely weather this week. During PE we have been accessing the balance  bikes, 3…

18 May

Astley Park Feel Zen!

Kelsang Pagpa came to school today to share the main beliefs of Buddhism and to lead meditation for pupils ahead of Buddha Day next week.

 Pagpa explained that the Buddhist way of life is very normal and that he feels at home when teaching at the Buddhist Centre in Preston. He expressed that he…

5 May

Maple Class celebrate the King’s Coronation

Maple class have had a smashing time celebrating the King's Coronation.  
This week we have made crown biscuits in Food Tech, explored being the King during our sensory story, learned some key vocabulary during our AA sessions and decorated crowns. Thank you to everyone involved in ensuring our…

5 May

Special visitors in Maple Class

This week Maple class had a special visit from Miss Clark and 3 chicks!  Becka, Fudge and Dec hatched last Tuesday and are being carefully looked after by the children and staff in Sycamore Class. 

Maple class have been working very hard to use our quiet voices around the chicks and some of us…

4 May

Earth Day in Maple Class

Last week Maple Class enjoyed the sensory story of Oliver’s Vegetables (a story about a little boy who only liked to eat chips!) Oliver visits his Grandpa’s garden to look for potatoes to make his favourite meal but finds lots of other vegetables which he tastes and really enjoys! Finally by the…

24 Apr

Eid Mubarak

On Thursday and Friday, we celebrated Eid across school.

Eid marks the end of the month long fast, Ramadan.

To celebrate each class held their own feast. Primary pupils used communication boards to request preferred items. Secondary pupils stepped out of their comfort zones and took the…

31 Mar

Maple Class enjoy a trip to The Space Centre

Maple Class have thoroughly enjoyed our trips to The Space Centre this term! We have been accessing Room 1 where we can relax in the lit den or heated water seats, climb or roll in the tunnel, gain calming input when rocking on the chair, climb and race on the slides with our friends or enjoy…

31 Mar

Easter fun in Maple Class

Maple Class have enjoyed a super week enjoying Spring themed activities including fantastic Attention Autism reveals of Spring animals and an Easter egg hunt! We have created beautiful sun catchers, followed step by step instructions to make chick paintings and made Easter nests!  Well done…

27 Mar

Hoppy Easter!

What a busy term we have had!

The gentlemen in Oak Class have made great progress, the staff team are very proud!

This week we have followed communication board instructions to get creative with Easter crafts and treats. Group 2 also enjoyed swimming on Monday morning.

Our daily relax…

24 Mar

Oak Class Zoo Vets

Oak Class have had a very busy week! 

We have explored the story of the ‘Zoo Vet’ with sensory experiences. We have worked hard on expressing ‘I see…’ and ‘I hear…’ across contexts.

We have also explored string instruments in our Charanga sessions. Confidence was gained during food…

17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…

14 Mar

Science Week in Oak

This week Oak have Class have been exploring ‘Connections’ as part of British Science Week.

The topic was introduced through song and ‘magic milk’ attention autism. 

Pupils followed in task schedule instructions to create apple bird feeders before helping Miss Beck hang them in the tree…