20 Jun

Rainbow week in Willow class

Willow class had a great time celebrating rainbow week.

We learnt all about what Pride means and who is part of the  LGBTQ+ community, having some really grown up discussions! We talked about how families look different and people might have two mums, two dads, only one parent or live with a…

29 May

Fun at the fair for Willow class!

Willow class had the best day ever on Friday! We had games, rides, circus skills, face paint, special snacks and donkeys just to name a few of the exciting events during fairground day. We even set up our class hook a duck stall for all the school to enjoy.

The children (and staff) had so much…

16 May

Willow, sycamore and Rowan class share golden time with new friends!

This Friday was very exciting for the older primary children- we had a joint golden time in the hall!
Children from Willow, Sycamore and Rowan have been thinking about the transition to high school (or our friends transitions while we get some new friends in class) so we were all very excited to…

5 May

Willow class cook safely with heat!

This term Willow class are learning all about food and how to prepare it in our “The world about me” lessons.

This week we tied this in with our Eid celebrations by looking at different foods Muslim families eat to celebrate Eid. We had a look as a class at lots of different types of foods and…

26 Apr

Judaism Faith Leader Visit

We had a very special visitor on Friday! Amy Troner attended school as a Jewish faith leader and delivered multiple engaging workshops for our pupils. Amy was accompanied by Mr. Maher (school governor) for the morning sessions. Amy shared her main beliefs and explained all about Jewish festivals,…

10 Mar

Willow class explore our local environment

This week Willow Class went on our first walking trip to visit Astley Park. We have been learning all about our local environment, habitats and wildlife in class, especially looking at local birds during the big bird watch in February so it was time to put all our knowledge to the test! 

3 Mar

World book day in Willow class

What a fun day for Willow class!

We we’re all so excited to dress up and everyone loved showing off their costumes and lovely outfits taking selfies with friends. We joined the school assembly to look at which fairytale character had been sneaking around school caught on the cctv- we guessed it…

2 Mar

Willow class go green

This half term Willow class are looking at our local environment and what we can do to look after it, alongside caring for our planet. We are looking at ways to be more eco friendly and ways we can make our local habitats/communities a better place.

We have had some great discussions about what…

8 Feb

Safer internet day in Willow Class

Today willow class have been learning about staying safe and kind on the internet for internet safety day!

We looked at how we can make kind choices on the internet to keep the internet a happy place and what to do if we see something unkind. We had a go at looking at all the things we can do…

3 Feb

Willow class cook Crumbles!

Today Willow have been practicing our functional measurement skills through cookery. The children worked hard to follow a recipe to create a mini app,e crumble each. 
Everyone did an amazing job at applying their kitchen safety skills we practiced last week, making sure to use sharp equipment…

2 Feb

Willow class celebrates Chinese New Year

On Tuesday it was the first full moon of the Lunar calendar which meant it was Chinese New Year! 
pin Willow class we looked at how this special event is celebrated and why it is important to Chinese culture. We looked at ways people around the world celebrate the special day and days following…

2 Feb

Nî hâo to the year of the tiger in Sycamore

The Year of the Tiger in Sycamore 


Chinese New Year in Sycamore class, we looked at where china is, the population and what it is like in China. We discussed that there are different languages spoken in different parts of China. 


We then went on to look at Chinese New Year, we…