30 Sep

Animal-tastic week in Chestnut Class

We have had another fabulous week in Chestnut Class exploring farm and jungle animals. 


At the start of the week we looked at the story of the ‘Three Little Pigs‘, this enabled our learners to explore the different materials the Pigs use to make their houses (straw, sticks and bricks).…

30 Sep

Week 4 in Maple Class

What a busy and exciting week in Maple Class! We are working hard to learn and follow our routines and learn new names and faces. 

This week we have continued exploring the Jungle through sensory stories, Forrest walks, Attention Autism, play, jigsaws, sounds and getting creative. We have…

23 Sep

First stop…the jungle and Jeans for Genes day

As part of our topic this term, ‘All around the World’, Maple class have been enjoying the sensory story, ‘Walking through the Jungle’. We’ve been identifying animals from the sounds they make, finding them hiding in the tuff trays and in the outdoor area.

Chorley Sports Partnership have been…

22 Sep

Welcome to Willow! A fun first couple of weeks in class!

Wow what a start to the year! We have all had a lovely first two weeks in Willow class making new friends and getting to know each other.

We have enjoyed lots of play and learning activities to help get to know our new friends and help our teachers see how to support us best in this new…

21 Sep

Healthy eating fruit tasting for Willow and Sycamore

Willow and Sycamore had a lovely morning working on our healthy eating choices and love of fruit!

We were very lucky and had a special visitor- Lucia from ASDA. Lucia brought in lots of different fruits for us all to try. We shared what our favourite fruits are and which fruits we have tried…

25 Jul

Willow class 2021-22 over and out! Last day

Friday was our last day all together as Willow class 2021-22! 
We had a lovely day together and celebrated in style. In the morning we had our last swimming session where Mrs Smith initiated a class water fight much to the children’s delight! We all got soaked and enjoyed taking I in turns to…

15 Jul

Football friends- Willow and Sycamore football fanatics go to Westway!

This afternoon children from Willow class and Sycamore class were invited to join other Chorley schools for a football skills session at westway sports centre.

We practiced looking after our own ball, taking the ball from opponents, shooting, dribbling the ball and passing to friends. All the…

15 Jul

Willow class on Safari!

For our end of year treat Willow class went on Safari on Thursday! 
We enjoyed the Safari drive to spot the animals and use our maps to predict what was coming next, Looking at where the animals would live in the wild.

Next we enjoyed watching the sea lion show. Willow class loved when the sea…

6 Jul

Willow class sharing our learning - summer cafe sharing our food technology skills!

What a lovely afternoon for willow class hosting our families for sharing our learning!

The children worked hard this week to cook a selection of the foods we have been learning to bake this term, ready to host a cafe afternoon with our families. The children made sausage rolls, chocolate…

1 Jul

8A Story Time!

During My Communication lessons this half term, the Adventurers in 8A have been writing a sensory story linked to our Circus theme through group writing. We sat together to talk about what happens at the circus and what we can include in our own story to perform to 9G. We first sat and spoke about…

30 Jun

Willow and Sycamore team up for a Chorley schools sports competition!

On Wednesday, 8 pupils from Willow and Shcamore class attended the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership quad games competition at a local sports hub.

The children took part in a howler throw, standing log jump and a 50m sprint.

Unfortunately we had to leave to get back for buses before the…

23 Jun

Maple Class Visit Asda

Today, Maple embarked on the first of many scheduled trips to Asda! The boys have been preparing for a number of weeks through role play, travel training and social stories. 

The boys checked all roads were clear before crossing and gestured thank you to all drivers who gave way at the…