Maple Class Party Day!
Today Maple Class celebrated their Class Christmas Party! This morning we enjoyed a festive themed sensory circuit in the Hall and Attention Autism. At lunch we had party food and snacks and during the afternoon we played pass the parcel, pin the star on the Christmas Tree and enjoyed our…

Maple Class Christmas Trip to Brew and Buddies
On Tuesday Maple Class went to Brew and Buddies with our friends from Rowan Class for our end of term trip. We enjoyed lots of soft play, racing our friends on the slides, cause and effect toys and climbing! We loved being with our friends and it was great to be back together again!
Thanks to…

Oak Class’ French Adventure
What another fantastic week in Oak Class! This week, we have been studying France.
On Monday, Miss Beck delivered an explosive attention autism session! The boys all engaged well as glitter (red blue and white) and flour balloons were popped. We then explored bigs and small bubbles in class and…

Feels Like Autumn in Chestnut!
Within our current theme ‘All Around the World’, Chestnut Class have been exploring their world through different seasons. This week we have been exploring ‘Autumn’.
On Thursday, Miss Cross led an Attention Autism using the colours red, brown and orange to make a hedgehog! She modelled dipping…

Oak Class’ Italian Adventure
They may not have made it to the World Cup this year but Italy have certainly made it in Oak Class!
The Italian adventure began last week, pupils enjoyed decorating their own pizzas using core boards to make choices, before eating them of course! Pupils have decorated the Italian flag selecting…
Chestnut - Friendship Week and Children in Need
This week in Chestnut Class we have been focusing on our Social and Communication skills as a part of Friendship week. We have been exploring activities with others and working on developing our tolerance skills accepting others joining us. We have had lots of laughs and smiles during Intensive…

Friendship Week in Maple Class
Maple class been enjoying The Rainbow Fish sensory story as part of our learning for Friendship Week! We explored how when the Rainbow Fish shared his beautiful shiny scales with his friends he was happy. We have been using our fabulous communication skills to create wonderful Rainbow Fish…

Remembrance Day 2022
This week classes have been invited to join in Remembrance Day traditions throughout school.
Each teacher has planned meaningful and engaging activities surrounding the theme of ‘War’ and ‘Remembrance’.
Learners have been exposed to different learning focuses and learning new facts through a…

Maple Class
Today Maple Class took part in Remembrance Day activities through Attention Autism and through creativity. We watched Miss flour sieve to reveal small crosses in the tuff tray and then sprinkle green glitter to represent Flander’s Field and we took turns in Stage 3 to sprinkle red tissue paper to…

Willow class start enterprising!
In Willow class we enjoyed our DT topic making musical instruments last term. Miss Riley and the teachers were so impressed and could tell the children were ready for an enterprise project this term to put their planning and design skills to the test!
Our first enterprise project is looking at…

Halloween and Bonfire Night in Maple Class
Happy Halloween and Bonfire Night from Maple Class!
What a fabulous week we’ve had in Maple Class. On Monday Maple Class enjoyed a day filled with dress up, using our fine motor skills to make spooky spider webs, pumpkin sun catchers and a Halloween hunt in the Woods using our wonderful…

Maple Class Show Racism the Red Card and a special visitor to Class
On Thursday 20th October Maple Class showed Racism the Red Card! We enjoyed sharing joint attention and exploring all things Red during Attention Autism and in our red themed sensory trays. We have been finding and putting together puzzles of photos of our face in the tuff tray and recognising our…