23 Nov

11R Independent Travelling

This week has been a challenge for all pupils in class.


We have really raised the stakes for our independence. Pupils took part in a functional ICT lesson on Monday, editing a letter which had several errors, following instructions. We then learned about what an envelope should be…

22 Nov

Oak Class’ Italian Adventure

They may not have made it to the World Cup this year but Italy have certainly made it in Oak Class!

The Italian adventure began last week, pupils enjoyed decorating their own pizzas using core boards to make choices, before eating them of course! Pupils have decorated the Italian flag selecting…

14 Oct

Week 6 11G

Wow! What another busy week in 11G. We have been continuing with our Duke of Edinburgh work this week. For the physical element we have been visiting the gym weekly. The learners never fail to amaze us with their perseverance and have shown huge improvements each week. The volunteering element has…

20 May

Independent Travel in 11G

What a task some of the pupils in 11G had this week- as part of our ASDAN accreditation- we had to undertake a journey independently (being shadowed by a member of staff.)

The journey that we decided was from school to our local Police Station, crossing several roads, keeping ourselves safe…

20 May

10G Visit Chorley Library

As part of our ASDAN work we have been visiting Chorley library. As we do every Monday afternoon, we walked from school to the library using our road safety skills to ensure that we kept safe. 


Once at the library we throughly enjoyed having a look around at all of the books and choosing…

11 May

10R Out and about 11th May 2022

Today 10R went out and about. We walked to the bus stop on Southport Road together and waited for the 109 bus  The class were really polite to the driver when asking for the tickets to Tesco. 
Once at Tesco two pupils went with Mrs Tolan to buy stamps. The remainder of the class walked over to…

29 Apr

10G Begin a New Term

Our Topic this term is My Healthy Lifestyle. We are continuing our cafe but extending the range of foods we offer. We will continue our work in the community by undertaking weekly visits to the library and supermarket. In the supermarket we are increasing our independence skills with individual…

28 Jan

10G practice road safety

In 10G we have been learning all about how to keep ourselves safe when we are crossing the road. We started off by practicing on the road area in our new playground space. We talked about finding a safe space to cross and learnt about zebra crossings and pelican crossings. We took it in turns to…

19 Jan

11g have been so busy today 19/ 01/21


Oh my , how busy have we been today?
We had breakfast in school before heading out to catch a bus from the bus stop. We talked about looking at the number on the bus we wanted and how to stop the bus. Then we used our ‘Now cards’ to get on the bus. When your Now Card has been scanned…

7 Jan

10R Finally Venture to Tesco

Another touch and go start… lots of obstacles in the way… BUT we made it! After a term of trying to get out and about on the bus, we were determined today to make sure it happened, and we got there!


Starting the day we looked at the bus timetable, we then discussed risks and how to keep…

30 Sep

11G Get to the park independently.


What a lovely day to go down to the park. Alex and Mason had the big responsibility of getting us all to Astley Park and back safely.  They took it in turned to stop at the curb, look for traffic and then make the big desion if it was safe to cross the road. Well done, you got us all to the…

25 Jun

11R Work Hard and Play Hard

What a fantastic day we had on Thursday. The morning started off with us identifying what we would like to buy for our dinner from ASDA. 

We then costed up prices as a meal deal and worked out how much money we could save if we pooled our money together. 

We walked to ASDA and split up into…