13 May

7P talk about right or wrong actions as part of mental health awareness week!

7P have worked so hard this week! You can see a variety of pictures below of circus skills, role play, going to the shop, playing games and cooking! 

We have focused this week on Mental Health Awareness Week and Loneliness. 7P were able to recognise right and wrong actions around this topic…

6 May

7P showing their independence and getting busy!

7P have had an amazing couple of weeks

Last week we got back into the swing of things after residential, working on our team work skills during parachute games, walking Coco and we also did some circus yoga! 

This last week 7P have started their week by half of the group going on a…

6 May

Sycamore make their own sandwiches

Today we enjoyed making our own sandwiches. First, we had to give Miss Molloy instructions on how she could make her own sandwich, we had to remember to wash our hands and clean the table before we began. We then took turns in giving Miss Molloy an instruction, such as get a knife to spread the…

28 Apr

Another fun filled week in 9G

9G have had another fun filled week, we have welcomed Mrs Neal into class this week and the kindness 9G have shown her has been fantastic.

This week we have looked again at the sensory story about the circus and dressed up again.

On Wednesday Mrs Mahood introduced us to printing in different…

22 Apr

Fun in the sun continues for Dodd Group

Dodd Group had a fabulous second day at Calvert Trust after a good nights sleep. 

We had a yummy breakfast and then went up Dodd mountain to complete some challenges such as a scavenger hunt and a photo challenge. We worked together really well and had great fun exploring the woods. We…

20 Apr

Dodd group have a wonderfully wet start to residential

7P are having a wonderful start to residential. Our group is called Dodd group and our instructor is Lou. We are having so much fun! Everyone has settled in really well. 

Last night we enjoyed a session in the Calvert swimming pool. We loved the lights and music! We had a chill in the games…

1 Apr

The end of Spring for 7P

7P have had such a busy last few weeks of the spring half term. 

We have celebrated World Epilepsy Awareness day and World Autism Awareness. 

We have continued with our time work showing that we can read o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and some of us even 24 hour…

31 Mar

An egg-citing afternoon in 8A!

This half term for Me and My Body, we have been doing Outdoor Adventurous Activities. We have practiced our team work skills and learnt that good teamwork means good talking and good listening to each other. We have practiced this through lots of games and some of us have also worked on our…

25 Mar

Epilepsy Awareness Day in 8A

Today 8A have been learning about epilepsy. We learnt what tonic/clinic seizures, absence seizures and focal seizures look like and talked about how we can help people who are experiencing seizures. We took part in a short first aid session where we learnt how we can keep somebody safe if they…

25 Mar

10R’s world epilepsy day 2022

Today as a Whole School we took part in World epilepsy day. 

10R wore purple and watched a powerpoint to help us all understand epilepsy and the effect this has on others. 

As part of our day 10R watched Staff deal with an pretend seizure and how to deal with this should it happen to them…

25 Mar

Football Champions

It was a pleasure on Wednesday to take 13 pupils and 3 staff members to represent Astley Park School at Lancashire Special Schools U14 and U16 football league playing 8 competitive games in very warm conditions. Both teams played each game with a positive team spirit working hard for each other…

25 Mar

Run Sycamore Run!

This week we enjoyed doing PE in the sun.


Everyone took part, listened well to instructions and tried very very hard! 

We enjoyed doing some races, using different equipment and working as a team in a relay race. 

It was lovely to see and hear everyone supporting each other.