16 Jan

World Religion Week in Oak Class

This week we have focused our learning around the Islamic faith as part of our World Religion celebrations!

On Monday, our topic was introduced through attention autism, we enjoyed dressing up during stage 3 in traditional clothes. We also explored frozen fruit as a media for painting, we chose…

13 Jan

Emergency Emergency in Maple Class!

Maple Class have started their new Spring topic - Emergency, Emergency! where we will look at all the very important people who help us. This week we have focussed on the special jobs that fire fighters do. We have explored this through Attention Autism, fine motor skills,  sensory exploration,…

13 Jan

Oak Class Week 2

Another busy week in Oak Class, our Emergency Emergency! topic focused on the Police. We have enjoyed ‘Officer George’ the sensory story and have acted out simple rescue scenarios as part of attention autism. We have created fingerprints using paint and made tracks with various sized police…

10 Jan

9A Spring 1 W2 - Brilliant Bodies

In our My Communication and The World about Me lesson today, 9A learnt about the different basic body parts as well as the organs and some pupils even went on to learning about the bones as an extra challenge! 

They really enjoyed this lesson and learnt lots about what’s inside their…

6 Jan

Somebody Call the Fire Brigade - Chestnut Class is on fire!

Well, what a fantastic week we have had in Chestnut class this week. All the children have been busy establishing their routines and exploring our classroom and outdoor provision.  We have been looking at firefighters as our topic this week, which has led to lots of creative/messy play activities.…

6 Jan

Our Brilliant Bodies

What a busy first week back 7P has had! 

We have welcomed Mr Preece into our class as our new Teaching Assistant and we have really enjoyed getting to know him! 

We started the week straight back into P.E. We are doing rhythmic gymnastics, learning about how to move our body in the…

6 Jan

PE in Maple Class

Maple Class have been been springing into action today exploring different equipment to regulate our bodies. We’ve been coordinating our bodies to climb on different levels of apparatus, balance along the benches and jump landing with both feet at the same time! We’ve been passing the balls in…

15 Dec

Rain on me!

Last week 7P undertook their first sharing our learning on this year. We certainly set ourselves a challenge to perform a dance in front of the parents! This was a dance we had been working on for around 6 weeks, coming up with the moves, matching it to the music and then putting it all together. 

10 Dec

Christmas Has Arrived in Chestnut!

Chestnut have had a very busy week, exploring all things Christmas! We have explored a Christmas tree, decorations, colourful lights, fake snow and of course glitter! 

We have been busy getting ready for the Primary Christmas Exhibition on Monday and are very excited to show our parents all our…

8 Dec

Maple Class Party Day!

Today Maple Class celebrated their Class Christmas Party! This morning we enjoyed a festive themed sensory circuit in the Hall and Attention Autism. At lunch we had party food and snacks and during the afternoon we played pass the parcel, pin the star on the Christmas Tree and enjoyed our…

25 Nov

Feels Like Autumn in Chestnut!

Within our current theme ‘All Around the World’, Chestnut Class have been exploring their world through different seasons. This week we have been exploring ‘Autumn’.

On Thursday, Miss Cross led an Attention Autism using the colours red, brown and orange to make a hedgehog! She modelled dipping…

18 Nov

Next Stop….. 8A Please!

Good afternoon all,


Let’s begin with our Star of the week. This weeks winner is the magnificent Jake!  Jake, as always has tried his best all week and been a super friend, but what caught all the teams eye this week was his determination and perseverance when accessing his school swimming…