18 Mar

7P Celebrate!

7P have been doing a little bit of celebrating over the last few weeks! 

We took part in a yoga session arranged by Mr Murphy last week which taught us about strategies to help us when we are feeling sad or worried. Everyone participated and followed the instructions of the teacher well.


11 Mar

7a go outdoors , PE with a difference !

This week in 7a we have enjoyed orienteering in PE. The children have shown great listening and communication skills in this terms PE with a difference. They have been working in groups independently to explore the grounds of school to find multiple musical instruments hidden around the forest and…

25 Feb

7P have a busy busy week!

What a busy week we have had in 7P! 

We have continued with our topic ‘We’re going on a Safari’. Miss Hendy went to the zoo in the holidays so we have used her pictures to help us build and write some super sentences! We have also been reading our story ‘We all go on Safari’ and learnt some…

25 Feb

Fantastic first week back in 7a !!

This week the children have returned and given us some amazing maths and English work. 
pin maths this week we have been looking at measurement . The children have used different tools and ways to measure different objects around the room ….. including our FRIENDS !!!! The children then looked at…

14 Jan

What will 8A be learning about this term?

Happy New Year everyone!

8A have had a fantastic start to the new year. We thought you might like to know all about our new theme, "Our Planet" and what we will be learning about this term. 

My Communication

In My Communication this half term, Mrs Crouch will be helping us to write some…

5 Jan

Festive Holiday Heroes - December 2021

We had 3 fun packed days of festive fun in our Holiday Heroes club held during the Christmas holidays.

We managed to pack in 2 trips to Space sensory rooms in Preston where everyone had lots of fun - it's one of our favourite activities as the facilities are perfect for our pupils and everyone…

10 Dec

The festivities continue in 8A ☃️

We are ready for Christmas in 8A. The countdown is certainly on! 

Yesteday we joined in with the Be Internet Legends Google assembly. This was an assembly streamed via YouTube with lots of interactive questions. We even got a shoutout! Mrs Crouch, Mrs England and Mrs Taylor were so impressed…

8 Dec

7P St Andrews Day

7P had a wonderful time Celebrating St Andrews day last week. 

We listened to the Story of Feeding the 5000. Then we matched the sentences to the pictures using what we had learnt. In the session we took part in a small world activity with boats, representing Jesus and his disciples going…

2 Dec

8A have fun on the new playground

8A had a brilliant time on the playground this afternoon. We hope it’s dry tomorrow for more fun in golden time! 


30 Nov

Willow class enjoy Chorley Schools dance festival!

Willow class were very lucky to be invited to participate in the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership dance festival! This was our first trip this year and we were so excited for a ride on the minibus to go on a school trip.

The children enjoyed a musical warmup keeping in time to the beat and…

22 Nov

Return of Breakfast and After School Clubs

Last week we were delighted to re-open our Breakfast and After School clubs following a decrease in the number of positive COVID cases in school.

Breakfast Club takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00am to 8:45am. Pupils can use our special menu to choose from a selection of…

11 Nov

7P's very exciting week!

What another fabulous week it has been in 7P!

We started the week with a potions lesson, helping to support us with our counting, addition and in some cases multiplication! We used the different potion ingredients to count, and used numicon shapes to help us where we needed it! We have tried…