25 Mar

Rowan having an egg-cellent time!


This week in Rowan class we have done some egg-citing activities. 

We did an egg-stravegant Easter egg hunt!


We had an egg-static game of Easter bingo!


We made some egg-stremly yummy chocolate rice crispy cakes!

Hope you all have an egg-ceptional Easter holiday and…

20 Mar

Volcanoes EXPLODE in 7A!

Wow what another busy week we have had in 7A! Take a look at the photo gallery below to see the fun things we have been up to!

In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been focusing on our functional skills and learning to tell the time, as well as continuing to work on our individual number…

18 Mar

There’s a lion in Sycamore’s cornflakes

A lion in cornflakes? We listened to the story of The Lion in Cornflakes and had a go at making our own lions. Some of us used paint, some used colours and some of us did cutting and sticking. We all enjoyed making some brilliant lions. Roarrrrrrrr.


Sycamore had a lovely time making…

12 Mar

7A are all back together

7A have loved being back together this week. What fun we have had!

On Monday, we spent the day rebuilding our relationships and defamiliarising ourselves with the school routine and expectations. 

On Tuesday, we began refocusing on our number skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving and…

12 Mar

9G Reunite

It has been such a great week having all of 9G back together finally! 

Everyone has done so well, settling back into the routine and getting back into the swing of the classroom. 

This week we have focused on remembering our routines, playing with our friends, and getting back into the swing…

12 Mar

Sycamore all back together!

It has been a very busy week here in Sycamore! 


We have loved seeing all our friends and hearing what they have been up to while they have been at home. 


This week we have been looking at the story of the little red hen. We loved the story, asking lots of questions and making…

5 Mar

World Book Day in 9G

It has been another super busy week in 9G. We have been celebrating World Book Day, and continuing very hard with our shape, number and sight reading work. As well as this we have completed some Monster's Inc ICT work for Mr Murphy! You can also see that our learners at home have been busy working…

26 Feb

9G Celebrate LGBT History Month

It has been a lovely first week back in 9G! Our main focus this week has been our Different Families, Same Love week, along with Rainbow Day today! 

Everyone has worked very hard both at home and school, and all the children have recognised that there are lots of different family types, and…

26 Feb

7A Celebrate LGBT History Month

This week at school we have been focusing on “Different Families, Same Love”. 

We started the week exploring the different families in class and around school, collecting data and recording this using tally charts and pictograms in My Thinking and Problem Solving. We also worked on our money…

12 Feb

A fabulous end to Spring 1 in 7A

7A have really impressed the staff team this week with their hard work, kind words and team spirit! 

In our My Thinking and Problem Solving lessons this week we practiced our number skills with Mrs Fisher. We also took part in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and had some fabulous discussions…

12 Feb

Six star challenge superstars!

Wow. We have so many superstars in Astley Park School. You all did such a good job at completing this weeks 6 star challenge. This weeks challenge included: doing a Joe Wicks workout, trying meditation, drawing the shapes you find in your lounge, writing a thank you card to your families for all…

5 Feb

Astley Park School reaches for the stars

Wow! What super stars you have all been this week. I have loved seeing all the pictures of you doing an amazing job with each challenge I have set everyone. This weeks challenges were: to do the recycling, go for a walk everyday, count out how many press ups you can do in a minute, use a map and…