25 Jun

9G get Physical!

What a fabulous sports week 9G has had! 

9G have fully embraced the week, taking on a variety of activities, including egg and spoon races both inside and outside, a balloon challenge, find the egg, football and rugby, rainbow run/ walk, orienteering and a parachute challenge.

As well as…

25 Jun

11G - Let's Get Moving - Sports Week June 2021

This week has been another busy week for 11G - we have continued with college visits for some students but also taken part in a week long extravaganza of everything sporty!!  We have done lots of activities to get our bodies and our minds working. On Monday we started the week with a class warm up…

24 Jun

Maple Class Sports Week

Maple class have had a super active and fun week taking part in lots of different activities. We have enjoyed warming our bodies up by dancing to music and playing glow in the dark bowling! We tried hard to hit the ball in crazy golf, chased bubbles and played football and rugby on the field.…

23 Jun

Making the most of our Leisure Time. 10G


We had an amazing time- making the most of our leisure time- by having a class visit to Astley Park. We started our adventure by taking in the aromas and sounds in the sensory garden- it made us all feel, calm and relaxed before we headed off into the woods, we used all of our senses to…

18 Jun

9G Summer 2, Week 1 and 2

9G have had an amazing start to the final half term in 9G!

We settled in well getting straight back into our number and reading work. 9G also got on well in our instruction giving activity in P.E, particularly as it was very hot! 

9G went on a wild flower hunt as part of The World…

18 Jun

The Treasure of Sycamore

This week in Sycamore we have been looking at the story of ‘The Treasure of Captain Claw’. We worked in groups to label the cover of the book and write our prediction of what we think is going to happen in the book. We read the book and looked a parts of the story identifying what is happening in…

11 Jun

Sycamore and the butterflies

It has been lovely hearing what everyone has been doing in the holidays. It sounds like there was lots of time spent enjoying the sun. 


In Sycamore we looked at our letter formation and sentence building when writing what we did in the holidays. We wrote where we went, who we have seen,…

9 Jun

10G learns about leisure time!


This half term we are learning all about how to make the most of our leisure time as part of our ASDAN curriculum. Yesterday we all had a chat about what we thought this topic would be about and came up with some fantastic suggestions such as: bowling, swimming, running, playing games,…

28 May

9G last two weeks of Summer 1!

Wow, Summer 1 has flown by. We can't believe we only have one more half term and then we will having finished in 9G! 

The last two weeks have been busy getting finished off for the holidays. 9G have measured their bean plants, which are growing steadily. Some haven't grown yet so we are going…

27 May

This is a tale of Sycamore’s tiny snail...

This is a tale of a tiny snail...

We have finished filming our version of ‘The Snail and The Whale’ this week and we cannot wait to show everyone! 

We have loved using the masks and making our voices sound low and high! 


Sycamore has had a great focus on mindfulness this week . We…

19 May

Mindfulness in Maple

After sharing ideas to improve overall well-being and develop relaxation strategies in last week's staff meeting, Maple class thought it would be a great idea to put some suggestions to use. We have had a year that has been very different in many ways and we think that having a bank of strategies…

14 May

7A connect with nature and complete a Tik Tok Challenge!

For Mental Health Awareness week we have worn green and embraced nature. This morning in nurture time we chose between going for a walk, planting a seed, cloud watching via YouTube or nature colouring. We all felt very relaxed at the end of the session. 

At lunch break we went for another walk.…