6 Nov

Sycamore’s Sparkler Safety Session

This morning in Sycamore Class we have discussed and put into practice ‘Sparkler Safety’

Our rules to follow to stay safe:

  • Wear gloves
  • Keep lit sparklers at arms length
  • Don’t put the sparkler on the floor
  • Keep 2 metres away from other people
  • An adult needs to light the…
6 Nov

Oak class celebrate Halloween and Bonfire night

We’ve had a busy couple of days in oak class this week. 


Some of us visited the park. We did great turn taking with our friends, and super sharing! We played on the see-saw, we went on the swings, we had a great time spinning on the roundabout and we loved taking turns, going down the…

3 Nov

Willow class return after half-term

It’s been great to see our fantastic Willow pupils back in school and we have all enjoyed hearing about what they did in the holidays. 
On Tuesday, we celebrated Halloween by holding a party in class. Children were invited to wear fancy dress costumes, they made Halloween crafts, they played…

3 Nov

Sycamore class celebrate Halloween !

A short week in school. We are so proud of how the children have come in and focussed this week with the disruption at the start of the week. We have enjoyed some fun activities designing and creating our very own pumpkins. The children explored the insides by smelling and feeling the pumpkin…

3 Nov

9A week 1 - Autumn term.

After an unexpected start this week we have had a lovely week returning to school after the holidays. As previously mentioned 9A learners are now writing the blogs, so this is our week in 9A learner’s words.

”On Tuesday morning we made get well cards for a friend in our class to cheer her up.…

19 Oct

Week 7 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have been enjoying lots of spooky goings on! During Attention Autism sessions we enjoyed a ghostly number rhyme and finding out how many left when one is taken away by splatting cream and we took turns to splat! We have been identifying Halloween themed key word language…

17 Oct

Week 7 9A

Last week in school, we are all ready for a rest after a busy half-term. 

On Monday morning the learners started to create their own Kahoot! Quiz about the things they have learnt over the last half term. In My Thinking and Problem Solving we played a game to work on our number value and…

15 Oct

Rowan autumn term week 6

Rowan class have all worked so hard this week. We have been to the park continuing our travel training skills. We have made biscuits and used our creative skills to turn them into some very cute hedgehogs, they were delicious! We also enjoyed our music lesson, lots of us liked the recorder and…

13 Oct

8P Autumn 1, Week 6 ☺️

We’ve had a fantastic week again! We have enjoyed activities linked to Halloween this week. The activities we’ve done this week include: 


  • Attention Autism sessions (what’s in the box) 
  • Carousels of activities 
  • Cooking (jam/chocolate spread…
13 Oct

Oak Class have been busy!

We have been very busy this week in Oak class! 
We have been in the Sensory room, we have made some yummy angel delight, we’ve been to Asda, we’ve been to the park, we’ve dressed as superhero’s, we have taken selfies with our friends, we have done some Halloween painting. Despite all the fun we…

13 Oct

Week 6 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut learners have explored all things ‘Autumn’. During daily Attention Autism sessions we have been anticipating and tracking exciting items from the bucket and during Stage 2 have been focussing our attention further to watch confetti fall like the leaves from the trees, a flour…

9 Oct

Week 5 in Sycamore !

A very busy week in Sycamore class. 
A super sensory story in the tent. All of the children engaged well and did some super listening. 

During our toy box lesson we have been learning all about new and old toys. The children amazed us with how much they knew and demonstrated excellent…