19 Jan

Chestnut Class explore Buddhism

Chestnut Class have loved the snow this week and spent lots of time outdoors exploring, scooping and throwing snow balls!

In PSHE we have been focussing on identifying and recognising facial features through songs, mirrors and matching activities and creating collages.

During Food tech we…

18 Jan

Happy New Year Chestnut Class!

It’s been great to see everyone back in Chestnut class and get back into routines this week. As part of our house and homes topic, children have enjoyed 3 Little Pigs Attention Autism and even helped to ‘blow’ the houses down! We’ve been building structures and enjoying different homes in the…

16 Jan

9A Week 2- Term 2

On Monday morning we had maths. We finished off our Capacity work and played a game to test how much we remembered. In my communication we had a think of some questions about the police to ask the PCSO on Wednesday. After lunch we did yoga to help get us ready to learn again. Then we learnt about…

12 Jan

7P get into the Spring of things

7P have had a brilliant first week back. They have coped so well as we have had lots of different adults due to illness.

7P have worked on their reading, learnt about how our bodies change as we get older like shoe size, height and losing our teeth. We have also named all of our body parts and…

22 Dec

8P week 8. 22/12/23

What a wonderful week it has been for staff and pupils in 8P. 

We have watched some lovely Christmas films, drank hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream, eaten yummy party food, played party games and danced to Christmas music. 

Unfortunately, our class trip to meet Santa at the farm had…

22 Dec

Merry Christmas from Chestnut Class

What an amazing couple of weeks in Chestnut Class!

Chestnut Class have been busy preparing and packing reindeer food for Santa’s reindeers, enjoying sensory exploration of oaty play dough and creating melting snowmen. Last week we enjoyed having some parents join us to share in our learning…

15 Dec

Oak class celebrate Hanukkah

This week Oak class celebrated the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We looked

at a picture of a Menorah. In Hebrew the word Menorah means lamp and some of us did did some cutting and sticking, we cut out the candles and stuck them onto the menorah. 

We also did some Hanukkah colouring pages and…

15 Dec

Let’s Sign with 11G

Last year 10G made a video showing some Christmas signs using Makaton and they asked could it be shared again. We hope you enjoy it.


15 Dec

Lots of Christmas fun in Maple Class!

We have been having lots of fun in the build up to Christmas in Maple Class.

We have all enjoyed our Christmas themed sensology, we explored lots of different things using our senses, we loved tasting the gingerbread! We made melted snowman cards during sharing our learning with our parents….…

15 Dec

It’s Hanukkah in Chestnut Class

Hanukkah or Chanukah means “dedication” in Hebrew, and the Jewish holiday, also known as The Festival of Lights, represents joy and celebrates one of the greatest miracles in Jewish history.

Today Chestnut Class have been exploring Hanukkah in our creative tasks and made some fabulous Star of…

14 Dec

Week 7 ! Do you want to build a snowman in sycamore !

This week in Sycamore we have been working on road safety and staying safe whilst in the community . The class took a trip out on Tuesday to Astley Park. Whilst some amazing learning took place we also had lots of fun and a play on the park. 

On Wednesday it was Christmas dinner day for…

8 Dec

8P week six 8/12/23

This week the staff and pupils in 8P have been extremely busy, practising for our part in the Christmas production, finishing work off and doing lots of Christmas activities. 

We have worked hard in our usual lessons, as well as learning how to make a nutritious meal, baked beans on toast,…