6 Sep

Welcome back Sycamore Class !

A huge welcome back!  What a fantastic week we have had in Sycamore Class. 

The children have had a very busy week with lots of fun and laughs.

We have made some super friendships this week welcoming two new children to Sycamore. 

The children have settled in very well back into school…

20 Jul

Chestnut Class - End of term catch up

Well, what a year it has been in Chestnut Class.  On behalf of the class team, I want to say thank you the to the pupils and their families for another great year.  The pupils have had great time exploring and developing their attention, social and emotional regulation skills.  It has been a…

14 Jul

9A Farm trip

On Wednesday this week, we went on our end of term trip to the farm! 
We had an absolutely fantastic time.

We did lots of activities including: 

- pets corner (holding small animals and petting larger animals) 

- calves feeding 

- visiting the other animals and feeding them 


13 Jul

7A’s powerful poems


7A have been working really hard this half term learning all about acrostic poems. This week we all used our super English skills to think of lots of different words and sentences to use when writing an acrostic poem all about Mr Welsh. We took our time and worked hard to think of lots of…

10 Jul

Willow class trip to the Mosque

Last Monday, Willlow class went on a trip to the Mosque. We enjoyed looking in the Mosque, listening to a call to prayer and learning about why Muslims go to Mosque. We learned some new words and looked at Arabic letters. We also learned lots of things about Muslim families as we have been…

9 Jul

What the ladybird heard party in Willow class

In Willow class this half term we have been reading the story ‘What the ladybird heard.’ We planned our own party for the end of term. We dressed as animals or in our favourite colours, we had our face painted, we decorated biscuits with red and black icing to make ladybirds, we played pin the…

29 Jun

Class Catch up - 3 Little Pigs and Sports Week in Chestnut

Good afternoon Chestnut followers,

It has been another busy 2 weeks in Chestnut Class. Last week was sports week and this gave the Chestnut pupils the opportunity to practice different fine motor skills activities, inflatable & bouncy castle challenges, made healthy snacks using fruit and tried…

23 Jun

Sports Week in Maple Class

Maple Class love being active and have had a fantastic time taking part in events for Sports Week! 

This week we have enjoyed sports themed Attention Autism revealing different sports apparatus and learning key vocabulary.

In the outdoor area we have been working on our throwing skills…

19 Jun

Farm Fest 2023 and Rainbow Day In Chestnut Class

Well it’s been another busy 2 weeks. Last week we had sharing our learning and hosted ‘Farm Fest 2023’ and this week we have celebrated rainbow day across school.


As always the pupils have been busy working on their play skills, engagement and communication. 


We hope you enjoy our…

19 Jun

Astley Park celebrate Rainbow Day

Astley Park School have a had a very colourful week as they explore rainbows, families and diversity as part of Rainbow Week celebrations! 

Rainbow week is a joyful and colourful display of love, unity, and respect, with lots of activities to promote inclusivity, opportunities to educate, and…

9 Jun

Maple Class enjoy Farm Fest!

This week Maple have been busy getting ready for Farm Fest! We have been enjoying The Little Red Hen and making farm animals from the story including sheep and hens.

We have been counting spots on cows to help us with our accuracy and making sentences using Colourful Semantics to help us with…

9 Jun

9A Creative Space Centre visit

On Friday afternoon this week, 9A enjoyed visiting the Creative Space Centre in Preston. They loved having a two-tier sensory room to themselves, which included:

  • large slide
  • dark den 
  • ball pool 
  • musical steps
  • massage chair
  • other comfortable seating 
  • roller 
  • calming…