26 Apr

Awesome Oak Class

This week, we went to the park, we enjoyed going on the slide and the swings, it was very fun.

On Wednesday morning some of us went to Asda, we all had our own shopping lists with us and all had one item to get. We went to the till and we all scanned our items and then we put the money in…

26 Apr

Week 2 in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut class we have continued to learn about under the sea through joint attention and communication sessions such as Attention Autism, Sensology and a story about The Rainbow Fish. During My Creativity we have learned to print repeated patterns using different tools including…

24 Apr

9A Summer 1 Week 1

What a great first week back for 9A. We all came back well rested with lots of stories about what the learners did over the holidays.

The learners were all put into different houses for the half term and are linked up with learners in  year 7 and 8. They will be earning points for the houses.…

19 Apr

8P Summer 1 Week 1

We’ve had a fantastic week in 8P! What a great first week back. 

On Monday, we did our holiday news, where we looked at lots of photos of what we did in the holidays and talked about our time off school. In the afternoon, we played on the wobble boards and then did our PSHE lesson on body…

19 Apr

Spring Term - 7A

Wow, Spring Term flew by for 7A!

During the Spring Term, we did lots of fantastic learning - working on our functional life skills, our Aspirational Learning Goals and our Curriculum Learning Goals.

In My Communication based lessons, we learnt about Acrostic Poems in Spring 1 and Postcards…

18 Apr

First week back in Oak class


This week, we have been very busy in Oak class!

On Monday, in food tech, some of us made tortilla pizzas and some of us decorated digestive biscuits, with icing and sprinkles.

We have all visited the park this week, we loved playing on the equipment at the park, with our…

28 Mar

8P final week 28/3/24

We have finally made it to our last day before the Easter break. 

8P have had a lovely week.

We have been to the supermarket, where we bought items for our food technology lesson.

We have made a variety of sandwiches which we ate this morning, before making some really nice Easter…

22 Mar

Odd Socks

7P have had another lovely week. Part of this week was learning about World Down Syndrome day. 

7P spoke about what this means and how just because someone has Down Syndrome they can do the same things that we can. We are all unique and special and that is okay. 

We explored this…

22 Mar

8P week 5, 22/3/24

It has been a lovely week in 8P and we have all been busy taking part in lots of different activities. 

To help us with our maths, we had a trip out to a local supermarket where we chose things from our  shopping list. We each took turns to pick items up from the shelves, but the best part was…

11 Mar

Careers Week 2024

What an exciting Careers week at Astley Park School!!  As part of our careers programme, learners have taken part in lots of activities linked to jobs and careers. 

KS4 students have undertaken inverse job interviews, speaking with local employers to find out lots about the local labour market.…

4 Mar

9A spring 2 week3

On Monday morning we recapped on fractions in Maths especially quarters, we are all getting really good at them. After break the girls went to girls group and the boys did some reading.

In the afternoon we did some reading comprehension about evacuees and their parents in WW2 and we answered…

7 Feb

Safer Internet Day 2024

On Tuesday 6th February we celebrated Safer Internet Day at Astley Park School.

Our dedicated team of Digital Leaders have been meeting regularly this term to discuss ideas for the day. The Digital Leaders have also spoken to their classmates to find out what they are worried about online, and…