27 Jan

9A celebrating Chinese New Year

This week, the school has been celebrating Chinese New Year and this year it’s the year of the Rabbit. 

The class watched a PowerPoint on how the Chinese signs were created. After they had watched the slides, they made their own Chinese rabbit using paint, card and wax crayon. As well, the…

27 Jan

Sycamore celebrates Chinese New Year

What a very exciting day! Sycamore enjoyed an Attention Autism session, we all sat together and helped Miss Molloy as she began to create a rabbit with red and orange paint it was very messy and fun! We then talked about why Miss Molloy made a rabbit and we found out that the Chinese New Year is…

27 Jan

Sycamore explore Doctors and Dentist

As part of our people who help us topic this week Sycamore have been exploring Doctors and Dentist and how they help us.

We have had great fun looking at our bodies and it was very funny when we used our labels to place them on Mr Flavell, we were great at knowing our body parts. We have looked…

26 Jan

Willow learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week!

Last week was World Religion Week in school and Willow class got to learn about Sikhism alongside their daily learning and curriculum activities. 

On Monday, we explored different foods popular in the Sikhism culture, using our senses. 

On Wednesday we cooked special recipes that are popular…

25 Jan

A police surprise for Willow Class

This week on our community walks, whilst practicing our road safety skills, we have been looking for inspiration for the emergency vehicles that we are creating in our workshop sessions. We walked to the police station in two groups, one group on Monday and one group on Tuesday to take some…

22 Jan

World Religion Week 8A

This week was World Religion Week and 8A found out lots of things related to Hinduism. Some of the class were able to join 7A on a trip to the Hindu Temple in Preston. We found out about the different gods and were able to look around the beautiful temple.

Our community based trips also…

20 Jan

RE Week in Maple Class

Maple Class have had a fantastic week exploring the Islamic Faith through Attention Autism, dress up, creative work, cooking and music. We have tasted traditional foods and made sweets eaten at Eid using our fabulous communication skills to make requests, follow instructions and take turns. We…

19 Jan

Chestnut Class say 'Ahhhhhhh' as they visit the dentist!

Good afternoon,

Chestnut class have spent the week exploring the role of Dentists in our Emergency! Emergency! topic. This has seen the pupils experience a sensory story about Peppa the Pig and George going to the dentist and sampling all the things that can happen, such as drinking the ‘Pink…

18 Jan

10R look at Judaism as part of World Religion Week

As religious Studies is part of our collapsed options choices, 10R have had lots of fun looking at Judaism this week as part of World Religion Week.  We learnt about the story of Passover; when Moses led the Jewish slaves to freedom from the Egyptians. We looked at how families celebrate this…

16 Jan

World Religion Week in Oak Class

This week we have focused our learning around the Islamic faith as part of our World Religion celebrations!

On Monday, our topic was introduced through attention autism, we enjoyed dressing up during stage 3 in traditional clothes. We also explored frozen fruit as a media for painting, we chose…

13 Jan

Welcome Mrs Bentham to 8A 2023

What a great start to 2023 8A have had. We welcomed Mrs Bentham as our new class teacher and we have all worked together to make Mrs Bentham feel  at home in our class. Our visits to Asda have restarted where we buy our ingredients for the weeks food technology lessons and we have ventured to a…

13 Jan

Hello, Hello, Hello! What have we got here? Chestnut Class learn about Police Officer George

Good afternoon,

It has been another action-packed week in Chestnut Class.  We continued our Emergency! Emergency! topic by learning about Police Officer George. To do this the pupils experienced a sensory story about all the things Police Officer George has to do (help people, find things,…