31 Oct

Halloween in Willow class

What a brilliant day in Willow class! 
Lots of friends wore costumes or their own clothes to celebrate Halloween and everyone had lots of fun with the masks and props.

In the morning we listened to a spooky story about skeletons scaring people and feeling scared. We had a good chat about what…

20 Oct

Blackpool Illuminations 2022!

This week some learners from Year 7 and 8 got the opportunity to go on an evening visit to go and see the Blackpool Illuminations as well as a chippy tea. This was an extra special trip as it was the first one in a couple of years. 

Everyone had a really good time, showed our school values and…

16 Oct

7P Out and About

It has been a very busy few weeks for 7P!

Before going out into the community we have been practicing crossing the road using a zebra crossing on our bike track. We worked on making sure we were looking left and right, waiting for the cars to stop and ensuring we crossed safely. 


7 Oct

8A's Marvelous Marvel Comics

Good afternoon, all,

This week has been another blockbuster in 8A!

Let’s start with our Star of the Week Award.  This week’s winner goes to Gemma.  Gemma has been fantastic all week, showing great friendship skills throughout and showing improved participation in her PE lessons.

Way to…

7 Oct

7A Building friendships at Legoland.

7A went to Legoland in Manchester this week. We have been looking forward to it allllllll week and it didn’t disappoint!

When we arrived we had to queue up, while queuing up we saw some of what was to come, Hagrid, Darth Vader and tubes full of Lego. 
7A then got into the lift, which was very…

30 Sep

Community Access, cooking and fun in 9A

We’ve had a great week in 9A!  

We’ve been starting to access the community again. Many pupils have enjoyed going shopping this week. They sourced ingredients for our cooking sessions. One group made cheese toasted sandwiches and one group made chocolate brownies. Yum yum! They were delicious.…

30 Sep

8A become comic book creators!

Good afternoon all 8A fans and families,

I will start this week’s blog by announcing our Star of the Week.  This week Joseph won the award for showing great maturity throughout the week and dealing well with our problem-solving tasks in baking and keeping a calm head. He has been that mature…

25 Sep

Jeans for Genes day 2022

On Friday children and staff were invited to wear jeans or blue clothing to help raise money for the genetic condition community. Classes all across school engaged in ways meaningful to them, from Jean based crafts and sensory stories in Maple class, to circle time discussions and iPad collages in…

23 Sep

Terrific Tuesday- celebrating Sean’s birthday and a trip to the park

What a lovely start back to the week after our bank holiday Monday!

Willow class had their first walking trip to Devonshire Road Park to practice their road safety skills and recognising hazards in the community. Once there, we all had a lovely time playing on the equipment together.


21 Sep

Healthy eating fruit tasting for Willow and Sycamore

Willow and Sycamore had a lovely morning working on our healthy eating choices and love of fruit!

We were very lucky and had a special visitor- Lucia from ASDA. Lucia brought in lots of different fruits for us all to try. We shared what our favourite fruits are and which fruits we have tried…

16 Sep

What’s the weather?

What another amazing week 7P. 

This week we have got to know each other a little better and begun to explore our topic of weather. We showed our teachers what our writing is like and went on a rainbow and autumn hunt around school. We then made cakes for Macmillan coffee morning and worked…

15 Sep

8A are back in action!

Good Afternoon, 

I’d like to start by announcing this years Student Counsellors. We had a close run election but the majority voted Teegan our Student Counsellor and Olivia our Deputy. All our pupils treated the voting process with high level of respect! 

I have to say 8A have hit the…