RE Week in Maple Class
Maple Class have had a fantastic week exploring the Islamic Faith through Attention Autism, dress up, creative work, cooking and music. We have tasted traditional foods and made sweets eaten at Eid using our fabulous communication skills to make requests, follow instructions and take turns. We…
Chestnut Class say 'Ahhhhhhh' as they visit the dentist!
Good afternoon,
Chestnut class have spent the week exploring the role of Dentists in our Emergency! Emergency! topic. This has seen the pupils experience a sensory story about Peppa the Pig and George going to the dentist and sampling all the things that can happen, such as drinking the ‘Pink…
10R look at Judaism as part of World Religion Week
As religious Studies is part of our collapsed options choices, 10R have had lots of fun looking at Judaism this week as part of World Religion Week. We learnt about the story of Passover; when Moses led the Jewish slaves to freedom from the Egyptians. We looked at how families celebrate this…
World Religion Week in Oak Class
This week we have focused our learning around the Islamic faith as part of our World Religion celebrations!
On Monday, our topic was introduced through attention autism, we enjoyed dressing up during stage 3 in traditional clothes. We also explored frozen fruit as a media for painting, we chose…
Welcome Mrs Bentham to 8A 2023
What a great start to 2023 8A have had. We welcomed Mrs Bentham as our new class teacher and we have all worked together to make Mrs Bentham feel at home in our class. Our visits to Asda have restarted where we buy our ingredients for the weeks food technology lessons and we have ventured to a…
Hello, Hello, Hello! What have we got here? Chestnut Class learn about Police Officer George
Good afternoon,
It has been another action-packed week in Chestnut Class. We continued our Emergency! Emergency! topic by learning about Police Officer George. To do this the pupils experienced a sensory story about all the things Police Officer George has to do (help people, find things,…
9A Library
Last week, during our first week back, we started accessing the community again. This included a trip to the library to source books about healthy lifestyles. The pupils found a lot of books about healthy eating and enjoyed looking at them/reading them whilst at the library.
The pupils…
Nurse Amy visits Willow and Sycamore!
As part of our theme, “Emergency! Emergency!”, Nurse Amy, who is our class governor in Willow Class, came to see us today to tell us all about the job of a nurse. Some of Sycamore Class joined us to find out about the job of a nurse too.
Before Nurse Amy arrived, we thought about questions…
Our Brilliant Bodies
What a busy first week back 7P has had!
We have welcomed Mr Preece into our class as our new Teaching Assistant and we have really enjoyed getting to know him!
We started the week straight back into P.E. We are doing rhythmic gymnastics, learning about how to move our body in the…
Emergency Emergency! Oak Class New Year
Happy New Year!
Oak Class have settled back into routine and have been working hard across a busy four day week. We introduced our new Emergency Emergency topic through continuous provision, attention autism and with a People Who a Help us Sensory Story. We have enjoyed exploring Fireman Sam…
Willow class go see Santa at the farm!
As a special rewards treat for hard work all year, Willow. Lass went to Smithills farm to see the animals and a special visitor… Father Christmas!
We went to see the lovely donkeys just like in the Christmas story on our way in. Then we went to see the meerkats, wombats, owls and lots of…
International Migrants' Day in 7P
7P celebrated International Migrants' day yesterday. We did this by reading a story called 'A long Way Here' about toys who come over with their children to a different country and start a new school. We then chose a country which was Germany to create a flag for. We used different materials to do…