9 Sep

7P Super Star First Week


What an amazing first week in 7P! Take a look at all the pictures to see what we have been up to! 

This week we welcomed 4 new friends to Astley Park but we are all new to 7P! We are now all super friends and are working really well on our job roles, teamwork and getting used to our…

13 Jul

Willow class practice ordering food

Willow class are very good at ordering food for snack time and paying using our snack money so we have been putting these skills to the test out in the community!

Last week willow class went to Asda cafe to practice asking for what they’d like, listening to the total needed and finding the…

8 Jul

You’ve Got a Friend in 9G!

9G have been very busy putting their social skills to the test!

They have been thinking carefully about the skills they use and how to react in different situations when with their friends.

9G have had a big focus on being a kind friend and spoke about what being ‘kind’ means. They decided…

8 Jul

7P out in the community!

We have been about and about recently as a class and have had some great visits! We went to try out the chippy we are going to as our final treat in a few weeks! We all were very thankful to the staff working there and really enjoyed a small plate of chips and hot chocolate! 

We have also…

1 Jul

Park Fridays in 8A

On Fridays this half term, we have been practicing our road safety skills by walking to the park during Golden Time. This is part of our Travel Training work, which links to our My Community work and also allows us to work on our social skills and independence skills which link to our PLGs. Well…

30 Jun

Willow and Sycamore team up for a Chorley schools sports competition!

On Wednesday, 8 pupils from Willow and Shcamore class attended the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership quad games competition at a local sports hub.

The children took part in a howler throw, standing log jump and a 50m sprint.

Unfortunately we had to leave to get back for buses before the…

24 Jun

Lancashire Careers Hub Conference 2022 #inspiringlancashire @InspiraforLife @LancsSkillsHub

Yesterday, Mrs Linde and I attended the Lancashire Careers Hub Conference at Ewood Park. We attended three workshops - Careers in the Curriculum, Encounters with Employers and Experiences of the Workplace. We were able to share some of the outstanding practice that occurs at school, and we gained…

23 Jun

Maple Class Visit Asda

Today, Maple embarked on the first of many scheduled trips to Asda! The boys have been preparing for a number of weeks through role play, travel training and social stories. 

The boys checked all roads were clear before crossing and gestured thank you to all drivers who gave way at the…

23 Jun

Sycamore visit Asda for healthy choices

Today Sycamore visited Asda. The children were asked to make a healthy choice from the fruit and veg section; we had some great choices from coconuts to grapefruit and a broccoli. Later, we all had a try of our choices. Some were not very keen on trying the broccoli, others really enjoyed the…

20 Jun

Oliver celebrates his birthday in Sycamore

Happy Birthday Oliver! You were really happy today and could tell the class you are 11 years old.

You smiled as your friends sung “Happy Birthday”.


20 Jun

Rainbow week in Willow class

Willow class had a great time celebrating rainbow week.

We learnt all about what Pride means and who is part of the  LGBTQ+ community, having some really grown up discussions! We talked about how families look different and people might have two mums, two dads, only one parent or live with a…

17 Jun

7P Celebrate Pride for Rainbow Week

7P have had a brilliant week this week! 

At the start of the week we went to the shop to work on our independence skills. 7P did some super paying, looking for items they needed to buy and crossing the road.

This week our focus has been LGBT+ and what this means. 7P had some wonderful…