12 Mar

Holi Hai in 7P!

7P had a wonderful Holi celebration with the rest of the school on Wednesday. 

We did some Holi crafts in class as part of our continuous provision where we explored what Holi was and used colour to represent this. We did this by writing Holi words, sequencing a Holi festival, creating Holi art…

12 Mar

We're all going on a 7P holiday!

What an amazing time 7P had on our Residential to the Anderton Centre.

On Tuesday when we arrived we went to our rooms, unpacked our cases and then made our beds. We then went off on our first adventure - low ropes and climbing. We worked alongside the adults to keep our balance on the low…

3 Mar

Unexpected item in bagging area...

Rowan Class have started this half term enjoying trips to Asda.

We have worked hard on our travel training, independence, and problem solving throughout the trips. Walking safely and sensibly, looking for shopping items and paying for them.

We have had lots of fun and represented ourselves,…

3 Mar

Fire Fire, Emergency Emergency

Before half term our special visitor was Dawn from the fire station.

All the children were very excited to ask their questions that they had thought of. As well as asking our questions we looked at lots of different photos that Dawn had brought of different incidents that the fire service help…

3 Mar

Willow Class - World Hearing Day 2023

This morning half of Willow class participated in Circle Time activities surrounding ‘World Hearing Day’. We learned that people who struggle to hear are called ‘deaf’. We discussed different ways we communicate and what it means to be ‘deaf’. It was lovely to hear Willow class sharing their ideas…

24 Feb

Pancake Day in Willow Class

This week Willow class explored pancakes during our kitchen safety activities. In our groups we identified hazards and risks making pancakes in the kitchen and what would be safe choices, if we were cooking pancakes. 

We had fun practicing flipping cold pancakes, discussing how we needed to be…

18 Feb

Mental Health & Wellbeing Week & Safer Internet Day

In the final week before half term, Oak Class focused on mental health and wellbeing. We explored feelings through song, drama and attention autism. Some pupils were able to correctly label their own emotions and the emotions of others! Our sensory story was ‘The Colour Monster’ we created a…

7 Feb

Safer Internet Day in Willow Class #SaferInternetDay #SID2023

Willow Class have had a fabulous Safer Internet Day. We joined the Google assembly this morning and we were super at answering questions about online safety - we even got a school shout out from the team at Google! We then read a story called “Didgiduck and the Magic Castle” and talked about the…

6 Feb

Children’s Mental Health Week in Willow Class

This week for Children’s Mental Health Week, we will be thinking about how the connections we have with others are good for our mental health. We started the week by playing a hoop game, where we had to stay connected and pass a hoop around the circle. As we passed the hoop around, we talked about…

3 Feb

Sycamore Bikes. Following Instructions

This week we have been out and about in the community looking at signs and following the green cross code.

Following on from this when we had a bike riding class we had to follow the instructions on the signs.

Mrs Banks held up a sign and we had to remember to look, listen and then follow…

3 Feb

7P in Spring 1

7P have had such a busy half term! See below our pictures from world religion week, Chinese New Year and what we have been up to in the last few weeks!

We have got decorations for the valentines disco, practised our crossing the road skills going to the cafe and making healthy choices by…

30 Jan

Willow Class learn all about the work of lifeguards

Today we were visited by our very own Astley Park Lifeguard - Miss Potter! We had the opportunity to ask her questions to find out about the work of lifeguards before we tried on the lifeguard uniform and pretended to jump in the pool and save someone. We watched videos of lifeguards working and…