Happy Birthday, Ayah!
We had one day less in school this week but we didn’t have any less fun or learn any less! We also had a birthday to celebrate! We had lots of cake and sang a big happy birthday to Ayah.
We’re continuing to Sail the Seven Seas in Oak Class and we’re still finding treasure in our learning. In…
7A Show Racism the Red Card
7A pupils wore red today to mark the Show Racism the Red Card day.
On Wednesday, Mrs Fisher worked with small groups as part of My Community to talk about why people have different coloured skin. We looked at a new word “melanin” and talked about how it is like a curtain that protects our skin…
11G - Wear Red for Racism April 2021
Today the class turned red for our Wear Red for Racism day. We had some fantastic activities lined up starting with a great story called 'Part of the Party.' The story is about a group of animals who have not been invited to a disco because they are different. The animals who have been left out…
Sycamore Wear Red!
Today we have been celebrating our differences in Sycamore for our ‘Astley Park Wears Red’ day.
Sycamore enjoyed a morning of activities including, circle time and portrait crafts.
During our circle time we had a talk about why we are wearing red - Sycamore were great at sharing their ideas…
9G Wear Red!
Today 9G wore red to celebrate standing against racism.
In class we spoke about what racism is, and how we have to be kind to everyone no matter what their differences. We read the story ‘We are all different’, and then took part in some circle time activities. We spoke about what makes us…
9G Summer 1 Week 2
Another very sunny and fabulous week in 9G!
On Monday we started the week with My Thinking and Problem Solving where we continued with our number work and started to show how well we know our coins. Some learners were matching coins, and others were able to show they knew the names of the…
A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A
Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday.
In My…
9G are Happy Campers!
Welcome back 9G!
It has been a lovely first week back!
9G settled back in very quickly on the first day. We had a lovely circle time in the morning where we took turns to share out weekend news, played some communication games and had a good catch up! Then in the afternoon we were very…
The Jolly Maple Sets Sail into Summer!
Maple class have set sail into summer with a big splash and a new class theme - Sail the Seven Seas! Our little shipmates have had a great time navigating the classroom provision which has included a small world pirate ship, walking the plank, a sensory treasure chest, pop-up pirate and lots and…
An eggcelent end to Spring Term in 7A!
Wow what a wonderful end to Spring Term we have had in 7A. It has been assessment week but we have done lots of lovely Easter activities to break the week up, enjoyed a McDonald's lunch on Wednesday as our end of term class treat, and finished the week off with an Easter hunt complete with Easter…
9G Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day
Today 9G have been celebrating World Down Syndrome day, and have been looking at what this means.
We have spoke about what it means to have Down Syndrome, and that it is important that we know it doesn’t stop people achieving what they want to achieve.
We watched a Sesame Street…
Volcanoes EXPLODE in 7A!
Wow what another busy week we have had in 7A! Take a look at the photo gallery below to see the fun things we have been up to!
In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been focusing on our functional skills and learning to tell the time, as well as continuing to work on our individual number…