28 Feb

All Families are Different and All Families are Good!

This week Maple class have been learning that about different families. We saw that different families live in different houses - some had a mum and a dad, some had just a dad. Some families had two mums and some had two dads. Some families have grandparents and some didn't. The children noticed…

26 Feb

7A Celebrate LGBT History Month

This week at school we have been focusing on “Different Families, Same Love”. 

We started the week exploring the different families in class and around school, collecting data and recording this using tally charts and pictograms in My Thinking and Problem Solving. We also worked on our money…

12 Feb

Six star challenge superstars!

Wow. We have so many superstars in Astley Park School. You all did such a good job at completing this weeks 6 star challenge. This weeks challenge included: doing a Joe Wicks workout, trying meditation, drawing the shapes you find in your lounge, writing a thank you card to your families for all…

12 Feb

9G Celebrate Valentines Day and Chinese New Year!

We did it 9G! We made it through the half term! Let's see what we have been up to this week!

Learners in School

The learners in school have been finishing lots of bits off including their Maths work, mainly working on number - addition and subtraction and amounts! 9G have also been…

11 Feb

9G Safer Internet Day 9/2/21

On Tuesday 9th February it was Safer Internet Day 2021.

9G started off by joining the BBC live lesson about online sources and making the right choices online. 

We then read a story about Digiduck, and sharing personal information. 9G were able to tell their teachers that we should not share…

8 Feb

8Rs very own superhero

We have been so impressed by Sophie’s amazing hard work that we had to share it with you all.

Sophie has been volunteering in her local community and has been delivering food to the vulnerable. All while wearing a mask and keeping safe.

Look at all the amazing food Sophie and all the other…

5 Feb

Astley Park School reaches for the stars

Wow! What super stars you have all been this week. I have loved seeing all the pictures of you doing an amazing job with each challenge I have set everyone. This weeks challenges were: to do the recycling, go for a walk everyday, count out how many press ups you can do in a minute, use a map and…

5 Feb

11R get creative

 This week 11R have continued to put huge effort in to their environmental awareness work. We were lucky enough to be given some wooden pallets and plastic pipes, due to the generosity of Logan’s dad we have been able to start work on our bug hotel. 
We certainly looked the part as we got suited…

5 Feb

Another busy week in 8G

What a busy week we’ve had in 8G!

Our theme has been Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, and we’ve really enjoyed watching the original film in class. Katie and Clayton are also reading the book. We linked our science to this topic when we explored solids and liquids - we talked about what…

5 Feb

9G get physical!

9G have been very active this week, both as part of the six star challenge and activities in class!

Let's take a look at what we have been doing!

Learners in Class

This week we have continued with our work on sight reading and number. Some of our learners have been really challenging…

29 Jan

9G Let it go!

It has been another fabulous week in 9G and I am so proud of everyone for trying their best both at home and in school. 

Let's take a look at what everyone has been up to!

Learners in School

This week we have been busy focusing on our maths and reading. We joined our friends at home for…

26 Jan

8G celebrate World Religion Week

8G had a great week celebrating World Religion Week amongst lots of other fun activities.

We learned about Buddhism, and enjoyed making pictures of Buddha with tissue paper and chalk - they were so good that we’ve put them up on the wall outside our classroom so everyone can admire them.
