2 Feb

Two busy weeks in Maple Class!

We have had a busy two week in Maple Class!

Maple Class have enjoyed exploring their topic and listening to the three little pigs sensory story and engaging with attention autism sessions. We have also loved our jungle themed sensology, exploring colours in my creativity and making sandwiches…

26 Jan

Chestnut Class Week 4

This week Chestnut have enjoyed exploring utensils from the kitchen as part of our House and Homes topic.

We enjoyed Stage 2 AA watching Miss Spear create a fabulous recipe using flour and cream and took turns to sprinkle using a colander.

During Maths themed AA we watched as Miss created a…

22 Jan

7A learn about Judaism

Last week was World Religion Week at Astley Park and in 7A we were learning about Judaism. 

7A participated in various activities across the week learning different facts about Judaism. We took part in Circle Times, listened to stories, explored artefacts and cooked Hamantaschen Cookies. 


19 Jan

Chestnut Class explore Buddhism

Chestnut Class have loved the snow this week and spent lots of time outdoors exploring, scooping and throwing snow balls!

In PSHE we have been focussing on identifying and recognising facial features through songs, mirrors and matching activities and creating collages.

During Food tech we…

19 Jan

8P week 2 19/1/24

It has been a very snowy and cold week for 8P, but we have kept warm by getting involved in lots of activities. 

A visit by a P.C.S.O. from our local Police force was extremely interesting. This was arranged as part of the ‘My Community’ curriculum - Employer encounters. 
We were encouraged to…

18 Jan

Happy New Year Chestnut Class!

It’s been great to see everyone back in Chestnut class and get back into routines this week. As part of our house and homes topic, children have enjoyed 3 Little Pigs Attention Autism and even helped to ‘blow’ the houses down! We’ve been building structures and enjoying different homes in the…

12 Jan

7P get into the Spring of things

7P have had a brilliant first week back. They have coped so well as we have had lots of different adults due to illness.

7P have worked on their reading, learnt about how our bodies change as we get older like shoe size, height and losing our teeth. We have also named all of our body parts and…

12 Jan

World Religion Week 2024

Astley Park School are proud to be celebrating World Religion Week next week (15/01/24-19/01/24).

Each class has been allocated a different religion to learn about though a variety of lessons and experiences across the week. Please see the list below to see what religions individual classes…

22 Dec

Christmas celebrations in Willow class

Willow class have had a week jam packed with Christmas events.

Everybody was very excited to perform in the Christmas shows on Monday and Tuesday, then on Wednesday we had a class trip to Escape Entertainment Centre where our pupils took part in ten pin bowling. We practised our road safety…

22 Dec

8P week 8. 22/12/23

What a wonderful week it has been for staff and pupils in 8P. 

We have watched some lovely Christmas films, drank hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream, eaten yummy party food, played party games and danced to Christmas music. 

Unfortunately, our class trip to meet Santa at the farm had…

21 Dec

A visit from Santa in Maple Class!

What an exciting day in Maple Class! 

We all had a very special breakfast this morning, we ate lots of pastries, brioche and reindeer crumpets! We sat and ate with our friends and then we had a visit from someone very special…. Santa and his elves!

We all spoke to Santa and took it in turns…

15 Dec

Willow class have festive fun with Chorley Sports Partnership

On Wednesday, pupils from Willow class attended an Inclusive Festival run by Chorley Sports Partnership at All Seasons Leisure Centre. There were lots of sports to try including dodgeball, volleyball, football and basketball. We also enjoyed dancing to Christmas music and throwing snowballs at the…