2 Mar

Pancake Tuesday in Chestnut Class

What a wonderful and very messy time we had in Chestnut Class on Shrove Tuesday. During Stage 2 Attention Autism we watched Miss Spear create a pancake mixture and in Stage 3 we took turns to flip a pancake! Chestnut Class have been working very hard on their turn taking skills which require them…

21 Jan

10G Boss Boulder UK

What an exciting time we had at Boulder UK this week. 
We put on our special climbing shoes and listened to the safety rules. 
We were put into two groups with Keith and Sadie as our leaders.

Our first job was to see if we could stand on the climbing holds safely.

We all managed this…

7 Jan

10G Make a Super Start to the New Term

What a fantastic start to our new term.

We have worked really hard completing reading and writing assessments and will be working towards our current personalised goals in this area next week. 

In Maths we have started our money work and are all making good progress towards our…

8 Oct

It’s Jolly Hockey Sticks in 10R

This week 10R have been introduced to the game of hockey. We have learned how to hold the stick correctly and how to move the ball round. We dribbled the ball in and out of the cones and then we tried to get the ball past our partner. It was good fun and we are looking forward to learning more…

16 Sep

Hockey in the Sun ☀️

This half term in our Me and My Body lessons, 8A will be developing skills to play team games. We haven’t played hockey before in 8A so we are starting to learn to control a ball using a hockey stick and we will be applying these skills to simple hockey games. We had so much fun in the sun today.…

10 Sep

Amelia turns 16 - 11G


11G have had a great first week back. They have all thoroughly enjoyed being back together and have enjoyed playing new games with one another. They have been on the climbing frame, been on a scavenger hunt, practised their reading skills, practised meditating, worked on their maths skills…

14 Jul

10Gs Creative Calvert Trust Experience Part 2

10G had a fantastic time on Wednesday afternoon. The instructors discussed with us how to stay safe on the water whilst canoeing and we got dressed into the safety clothes to ensure we would be okay whilst on the water. We helped one another to put the canoes in the water and got the chance to go…

14 Jul

10Gs Courageous Calvert Trust Part 1

10G had a fantastic time at Calvert Trust. On the Monday we all had a lovely chat at school and got all of our things ready to go. Then we got to stop off at McDonald’s on the way for our lunch which was a lovely treat. Once we arrived at Calvert Trust we unpacked our suitcases and had a lovely…

25 Jun

10G’s Sports Week!


Wow, what a busy week you have all had 10G. This week has been sports week in Astley Park School. We have taken part in a variety of different activities and had so much fun trying them out. This week we have done the egg and spoon race, football and rugby, orienteering, the rainbow run…

25 Jun

8R’s Sports Week

8R have been sooooo busy this week! We are definitely ready for our weekend!

This week has been our sports week so we have been doing lots of activities outside, alongside all of our normal super work in class.

This week we have been doing some super warm ups before all of our physical…

25 Jun

Willow Class do Sports Week

Willow class have really enjoyed getting moving this week and have really showed off their sports abilities ! 

To start sports week on Monday we joined Mrs McDonnell on teams for a sports week warm up routine! We talked about sports week and how it is Astley Park’s version of the olympics.…

25 Jun

We like to move it, move it in 9R


9R started this week by taking part in a warm up as part of sports week.

Mrs McDonnell lead us in a warm up over teams which was different because we usually do this altogether in the hall, but it was still good fun.

Our first activity was Egg and Spoon, we each chose a spoon and a…