13 Mar

11G wonderful week 13/3/21

We have enjoyed a wonderful week in 11G , catching up with our friends and classmates and doing lots of fabulous activities.

At the the beginning of the week we began to learn all about woodland habitats, we watched a video about woodland creatures, what they eat and where they like to sleep…

12 Mar

10G are reunited at last!

10G have reunited after three long months apart. We have all really enjoyed being back together again and getting to learn lots of fun new things as a class. We have had a busy first week back. On Monday we completed a workout and a yoga session to help us to stay active. We have also been…

5 Mar

10Gs final week at home

10G have had another busy week. We enjoyed learning a new story all about going to space on our TEAMS call and answering questions about it. We then got to tell each other all about what we had been up to at the weekend which was lots of fun. On Wednesday on our TEAMS call we looked at the posters…

26 Feb

One week closer to us all being together again 10G!

Wow 10G, what a great week you have had. You have all been working really hard this week and Miss Robertson, Mrs McShane and Mrs Jones are all very proud of you all. You have all been super busy learning all about the LGBTQ community and all about different families, same love. We all read a story…

12 Feb

10G smashed another lockdown!

Wow 10G. We made it to half term. We have all been learning from home this half term. It has been very strange but we have enjoyed still being able to see each other four days a week on our TEAMS calls and understand that we need to stay safe at home. We have all had another busy week this week.…

12 Feb

Six star challenge superstars!

Wow. We have so many superstars in Astley Park School. You all did such a good job at completing this weeks 6 star challenge. This weeks challenge included: doing a Joe Wicks workout, trying meditation, drawing the shapes you find in your lounge, writing a thank you card to your families for all…

12 Feb

9R Over and Out


We have learned so much about WW1 this half term we are now looking forward to learning more about WW2 next half term.

On Tuesday we enjoyed a teams meeting with our friends, as a team we completed a crossword about internet safety which was good fun and we also had time to have a chat and…

11 Feb

9R Mindfulness and Social Media

9R have been looking at internet safety and also how using social media can have an impact on your mental wellbeing. We all agreed that it is really important to get a good nights sleep and using social media like tik tok, Instagram, Facebook can all have a negative impact at bedtime as it keeps…

5 Feb

10G’s Wonderful Work, Week 5!

10G have had another super week learning from home. We enjoyed getting to all chat to each other on Monday mornings TEAMS call and telling each other what we have been up to at the weekend. On Wednesday afternoon we had lots of fun with Mr Murphy on our TEAMS call making our own books on book…

5 Feb

Wellness in Willow Class- children’s mental health week

This week Willow class have been looking at wellness for children’s world mental health week. 
In class we have been looking at things that make us feel happy and positive- working hard with our work, playing with friends, time outside and exercise. Children at home tried some different…

5 Feb

Astley Park School reaches for the stars

Wow! What super stars you have all been this week. I have loved seeing all the pictures of you doing an amazing job with each challenge I have set everyone. This weeks challenges were: to do the recycling, go for a walk everyday, count out how many press ups you can do in a minute, use a map and…

29 Jan

Willow class go wild!

This week Willow class have loved looking at more animals.. wild ones this time! We have enjoyed learning about all different animals that we might find in a zoo then finding out important facts like what habitats the zoos need to build for them and how they survive. We practiced our spellings,…