19 Jan

Busy busy in 10A

What a busy week in 10A.  Welcome to Mr Murphy who has had a very busy first few weeks getting to know 10A.

This week we have been discussing ‘World Religion” we have be doing lots of various activities around various religion and discussing the difference in the religions. 
We have also as a…

6 Nov

11R Go to the Gym

Today 11R had their first gym session, led by Mr Murphy, as part of learning about about healthy lifestyles. We got the minibus to the gym this morning as it was raining quite hard and we didn't want to start the day off soaking wet. We went into the gym and everyone was a little bit nervous…

6 Nov

9P enjoy a short week!

This week has been a very short one due to the heating and water issues in school but we have had a busy two days! This term in PE Mr Murphy is teaching us Dance. We all went into the hall and Mr Murphy chose a warm up dance for us to do, we were all certainly warmed up! He then let us chose a…

23 Jun

8P get sporty!

It has been Sports week at Astley Park School and what a busy week it’s been!

On Monday 8P took part in fundamental movement skills this included tig, dodge ball, trying to hit the cones with the golf ball using a golf club. We were all put into separate teams and showed fabulous kindness in…

26 May

10G Summer term, week 6.

This week we have continued to look at healthy living and we have all increased our daily step target from 7000 to 7500. This is 37,500 steps at school each week and I am proud to say that all children and staff completed this target. Everyone has pushed themselves daily, completing more than…

4 May

Earth Day in Maple Class

Last week Maple Class enjoyed the sensory story of Oliver’s Vegetables (a story about a little boy who only liked to eat chips!) Oliver visits his Grandpa’s garden to look for potatoes to make his favourite meal but finds lots of other vegetables which he tastes and really enjoys! Finally by the…

24 Mar

Oak Class Zoo Vets

Oak Class have had a very busy week! 

We have explored the story of the ‘Zoo Vet’ with sensory experiences. We have worked hard on expressing ‘I see…’ and ‘I hear…’ across contexts.

We have also explored string instruments in our Charanga sessions. Confidence was gained during food…

24 Mar

This week’s capers in 7A.

On Tuesday it was World Down Syndrome Day, we all wore odd socks in support. Everyone loved looking at each other’s socks and chose favourites. We coloured in socks in lots of different colours,read the story ‘We are all different’ then discussed and came up with 3 things each about what makes us…

3 Mar

9A PE - Sprinting!

In PE this week, the children started off the lesson by playing a game called Dragons. This consisted of them making two chains where they were holding onto each other’s shoulders and they had to try to remove the tag from the last person on the other chain. They really enjoyed this warm up and…

20 Feb

“Ouch! I need a plaster!” in Maple Class

As part of our ‘Emergency, Emergency!’ topic, Maple class have been exploring the important roles of Nurses and how they help us. We have enjoyed our Sensory story, “Ouch! I need a plaster!” and located body parts by placing plasters on dollies. We have been counting and finding one less and…

7 Feb

Maple Class fun at The Space Centre

On Friday 3rd February Maple Class headed to the Space Centre in Preston. we had a fantastic time with our friends, accessing the swing for vestibular input, the fibre optics for visual and tactile stimulation and the responsive flooring which gave audio and visual feedback when pressed. We had a…

3 Feb

Sycamore Bikes. Following Instructions

This week we have been out and about in the community looking at signs and following the green cross code.

Following on from this when we had a bike riding class we had to follow the instructions on the signs.

Mrs Banks held up a sign and we had to remember to look, listen and then follow…