8 Dec

Maple Class Party Day!

Today Maple Class celebrated their Class Christmas Party! This morning we enjoyed a festive themed sensory circuit in the Hall and Attention Autism. At lunch we had party food and snacks and during the afternoon we played pass the parcel, pin the star on the Christmas Tree and enjoyed our…

8 Dec

Maple Class Christmas Trip to Brew and Buddies

On Tuesday Maple Class went to Brew and Buddies with our friends from Rowan Class for our end of term trip. We enjoyed lots of soft play, racing our friends on the slides, cause and effect toys and climbing! We loved being with our friends and it was great to be back together again!

Thanks to…

20 Sep

8P week 2

This week in 8P we continued working on our topic of Weather, we continued our weather walks and took some fantastic pictures of the weather. 
We all painted a rainbow and then we created a class display with them. 
On Wednesday we went swimming and made a real splash in the pool. The class…

24 Jun

Maple enjoy sports week

This week Maple Class have enjoyed participating in Sports Week.

Monday - We had a fantastic time on the bikes in the playground, some of us also played with balls, throwing and catching. 

Tuesday - Our teachers hid items in and outside class, we then had to find the items from a checklist.…

24 Jun

9G Sports Week 2022

Sport Week 2022

All this week 9G has been taking part In sports week! We’ve taken part in riding bikes, orienteering, curling, striking and fielding and athletics. We’ve all enjoyed taking part in these activities and the learners have had lots of fun! 

We have shown lots of our school…

24 Jun

Sycamore Sports Week

Sycamore have had a very active week! We have tried many new activities such as bat and ball games, mini golf and athletics. We have practiced our throwing and catching, our balance skills and our endurance. We showed some great team work through supporting our friends with encouragement, clapping…

3 May

10R P.E 3/5/22

Today 10R had a lovely P.E session in the hall. We all enjoyed trying out our obstacle course. Team A and Team B raced to complete the obstacles and throw the beanbag into the box. 
Well done 10R!! 

27 Apr

Chestnut’s day at the farm

This week Chestnut Class have had a fabulous day out to Smithills Farm in Bolton. It forms part of our class topic of Houses and Homes this term.

Chestnut Class have enjoyed exploring the farm and meeting and stroking so many different animals ! We found the cows, pigs, sheep, llamas, owls,…

1 Apr

Year 11 Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone who took part in yesterday’s Sponsored Swim!
We swam a total of 139  lengths of Brinscall Baths- Mrs McShane joined in and swam 10 lengths taking our total to 149 lengths!
Thank you to everyone who have supported this event - raising vital funds for our end of school…

31 Mar

Saturday Run in The Park


Chorley School Sports Partnership Astley Park Run 26th March 2022.

After being prepared to train each week at school, the day of the run at Astley Park arrived for Alex, Mason, Noah and Alex M. Their Challenge was for each to compete in the run, represent APS and finish without stopping…

25 Mar

Football Champions

It was a pleasure on Wednesday to take 13 pupils and 3 staff members to represent Astley Park School at Lancashire Special Schools U14 and U16 football league playing 8 competitive games in very warm conditions. Both teams played each game with a positive team spirit working hard for each other…

16 Mar

Year 11 Sponsored swim

On Thursday 31 March our Year 11 pupils and some staff will be taking part in a Sponsored Swim- We have been practicing and perfecting our swimming techniques over the last few weeks at Brinscall Swimming Baths!
And also collecting sponsors from our families and friends! We are swimming as a…