18 May

Sycamore learn about baptism

In sycamore today with Mrs Crouch the children learned all about baptism . As a class we talked about what a baptism is and what it means . Mrs Crouch showed the children how to baptise a baby , then all of the children had a go at being the Vicor to baptise the baby. 
The children used ‘holy…

12 May

8A Last of the Bank Holidays!

Well that’s the last of the Bank Holiday weeks for us. We continue to get busy in 8A. Our whole class trips took us to Astley Park this week. The weather was kind to us as we walked there and enjoyed some time on the park. The clouds began to appear so we set off back to school to miss the rain. 

12 May

The King’s Coronation Week.

Our week started on Tuesday after the Mayday Bank holiday. We went on our full class trip out to Withy Grove Park. We are continuing to have fun and are working really well as a full class on these trips. We arrived back at school tired and ready for lunch after the fresh air and exercise.


5 May

Maple Class celebrate the King’s Coronation

Maple class have had a smashing time celebrating the King's Coronation.  
This week we have made crown biscuits in Food Tech, explored being the King during our sensory story, learned some key vocabulary during our AA sessions and decorated crowns. Thank you to everyone involved in ensuring our…

31 Mar

Hurrah for the Easter Holidays in 8A

Well we have made it to the end of term and had a lovely sharing our learning session with parents and carers this week. On Monday and Tuesday some parents and carers joined us for lunch at Seven Seas Fish and Chip Shop. Everyone who joined us enjoyed a chill and chat with each other and the…

17 Mar

8A Make Predictions and Cakes

Well this week began with a visit from Mr Welsh and Miss  Wells. They were able to watch us make predictions about our bodies. Can taller people jump the farthest? We measured everyone’s height and then got everyone to jump as far as they could and measured the distance. 8A made sure Mr Welsh and…

17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…

16 Mar

8A Maiden Journey in the 9 seater!

Today Group 2 in 8A were able to test drive the new 9 seater minibus on our visit to Tesco. We all agreed the new car smell was really nice. There was plenty of room in the minibus for us and all our shopping. Mrs Devlin loved driving the new bus too.

10 Mar

What a fun week in 8A!

What great fun 8A have had this week. We have celebrated Holi as a whole school and had an amazing celebration on Wednesday afternoon. We had bags of different coloured powder paints which we threw into the air. Lots of the staff and pupils were covered in powder paint and looked amazing. Even the…

7 Mar

Out and About with 8A

8A are continuing to build their confidence and independence skills on our community visits. This week we concentrated on our road safety skills, with each of the pupils taking turns at crossing their peers across the road. The weather hasn’t always been kind to us this week but this hasn’t…

3 Mar

Fire Fire, Emergency Emergency

Before half term our special visitor was Dawn from the fire station.

All the children were very excited to ask their questions that they had thought of. As well as asking our questions we looked at lots of different photos that Dawn had brought of different incidents that the fire service help…

3 Mar

Willow Class - World Hearing Day 2023

This morning half of Willow class participated in Circle Time activities surrounding ‘World Hearing Day’. We learned that people who struggle to hear are called ‘deaf’. We discussed different ways we communicate and what it means to be ‘deaf’. It was lovely to hear Willow class sharing their ideas…