25 May

Buddha Day

We have today celebrated Buddha’s birthday across school. Classes have participated in craft activities, research, sequencing, sentence creation and some have accessed meditation. 

Each class submitted lotus flower craft competition entries. The standard was high, many prizes were given! Rowan…

20 May

10G Summer Term Week 5

Happy weekend, it is forecast to be a scorcher, so we hope you all get to enjoy the sunshine together! It has been a jam-packed week in 10G this week, we have packed so much in! We have had quite a few pupils who have been unwell and have had to stay at home while they recover so we hope everyone…

19 May

8A Summer 1Week 5

Well it’s almost the holiday week but Miss Bentham continues to work us hard. We have worked hard learning time and Miss Bentham tests us at every opportunity.

We were very lucky to have a visit from a Buddhist Monk who taught us how to meditate. This is something we can do everyday to help us…

18 May

Astley Park Feel Zen!

Kelsang Pagpa came to school today to share the main beliefs of Buddhism and to lead meditation for pupils ahead of Buddha Day next week.

 Pagpa explained that the Buddhist way of life is very normal and that he feels at home when teaching at the Buddhist Centre in Preston. He expressed that he…

18 May

Sycamore learn about baptism

In sycamore today with Mrs Crouch the children learned all about baptism . As a class we talked about what a baptism is and what it means . Mrs Crouch showed the children how to baptise a baby , then all of the children had a go at being the Vicor to baptise the baby. 
The children used ‘holy…

16 May

The day the Buddhist Monk came to visit.

Today we had a visit from a Buddhist Monk, Kelsang Pagpa. All Buddhist monks are named Kelsang which means ‘fortunate one’ and his name Pagpa means ‘realised ultimate truth’.

He wore orange robes which are meant to symbolize simplicity and detachment of materialism.

He spoke to us about how…

24 Apr

Eid Mubarak

On Thursday and Friday, we celebrated Eid across school.

Eid marks the end of the month long fast, Ramadan.

To celebrate each class held their own feast. Primary pupils used communication boards to request preferred items. Secondary pupils stepped out of their comfort zones and took the…

23 Apr

10G are straight back to work Summer Week 1

A very big welcome back to all in 10G this week, we hope everyone has had a lovely Easter break and is raring to get going for our last term in 10G! Looking back at the photos for this week, I can’t actually believe how much we seem to have crammed into one week.

On Monday morning, everyone was…

21 Apr

8A Fun Filled Week.

We all returned after the Easter Break ready to get back into lessons. What a fun filled and packed week Miss Bentham had in store for us. 
Our community groups have now changed and we are going out as a full class once a week. This half term we will be visiting Withy Grove Park in Bamber…

21 Apr

Beech Celebrate Eid

Beech Class have had a lovely couple of days celebrating Eid. 
We have had Eid themed sensory trays, coloured ‘Happy Eid’ cards, decorated Mehndi handprints with pen dabbers, and made a moon and stars picture with materials in Attention Autism. 
This afternoon, for snack we have had an Eid…

21 Apr

7A celebrate Eid.

Today we have been looking at the Eid holiday.

Eid al-Fitr is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam. The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.

The day starts with prayers…

31 Mar

7A’s ‘eggciting’ week.

Our last week before the Easter break and we have been very busy!

We have made Easter cards using our colouring skills or painting our hands, which we hope you like.

Wednesday- the day we have all been waiting for - photo booth day… it didn’t disappoint! We had a absolute blast as you can…